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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Romania and Austria plan to cooperate more tightly in the field of efficient electronic administration, starting off in this respect the procedures for the signing of an agreement of cooperation at governmental level, the Ministry of Communications and Information Society (MCSI) reports.

Following the visit paid by president Traian Basescu to Austria on March 23, a governmental delegation headed by Minister of Communications and Information Society, Gabriel Sandu, went on Thursday to Vienna for the initiation of the steps for the materialization of the agreements reached at presidential level. Gabriel Sandu and Austrian State secretary Josef Ostermayer started the process of the urgent signing of a Cooperation Agreement at governmental level.

Read more: Romania and Austria to cooperate in the field of electronic administration

The Ministry of Development, Public Workings and Housing, together with the Ministry of the Small and Medium Enterprises have launched a website for the SMEs, worth 6.2 mln Euros from Phare funds.

The website is not functional yet despite being launched on September, 25th. The Ministry of Development issued a press release explaining that the portal is part of a 4 component- project, valued at 6 million euros. However, the amount of money spent for the website was not released yet.

Read more: Romania: Online information worth 6.2 mln Euros

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology will be supplied electronic signatures by E-Lock, a leading vendor of digital signature products, through its Romanian business partner Trans Sped srl Romania. E-Lock DeskSeal - the signature solution that will be used by the MCIT – is a very easy to use signing and encryption software, which enables signing/encryption of any document or file format. It is a wizard-based utility and is extremely user friendly.

Read more: Romanian IT&C Ministry to pilot E-Lock’s digital signature solution

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCTI) initiated in 2006 seven IT&C projects that can greatly improve the relations between citizens and administration, ACT Media news agency reports.

"This year we already initiated four e-government projects based on the e-Europe programme as for the information technology side and, respectively, three projects on the communication side.

Their objectives pursue the realization of social inclusion, increased access to the new technologies and improvement of relations between the citizen and administration", Minister of Communications and Information Technology Zsolt Nagy told Rompres.

Read more: Romania: IT&C Ministry Launches 7 Projects in '06

Der Vertrag für die Implementierung des integrierten Grenzsicherungsystems in Rumänien wird neu verhandelt, haben Vertreter der rumänischen Regierung mitgeteilt. Man wolle eine Überschneidung mit dem ähnlichen PHARE-Programm der Europäischen Union (EU) vermeiden. Die rumänische Regierung möchte vielmehr "einen korrekten Preis für die Grenzsicherung bezahlen". Auf Vorschlag des rumänischen Innenministers Vasile Blaga unterschrieb Regierungschef Calin Popescu Tariceanu am Dienstag, 15. Februar, den Beschluss über die Aufhebung der Geheimhaltung des Vertrages mit der European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS). Dadurch wird der Zugang zum Vertragsinhalt möglich.

Read more: Digitaler Behördenfunk: Rumänien will EADS-Vertrag neu verhandeln

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