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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Romania should invest EUR 3.9 billion for attaining its IT&C targets by 2020, which include growing the coverage of its broadband, the use of e-governing services, online sales and the number of employees in the IT&C, as part of the National Strategy Digital Agenda for Romania, published by the Ministry for Information Society, according to Mediafax newswire.

“A correct implementation of the strategic vision for the IT&C in Romania which should fulfill the specified targets for Romania will require a total investment which exceeds EUR 3.9 billion. The direct and indirect impact on the economy, calculated in conformity with good practices in other European countries that have made similar investments, can be translated into a GDP growth of 13 percent, the increase in the number of jobs by 11 percent and a 12 percent decline in management costs during 2014-2020,” shows the document.

Read more: Romania needs to invest nearly EUR 4bln to reach IT&C targets by 2020

Total investments in Romania's Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector will reach about 2.4 billion euros by 2020, with an expected positive impact on the GDP of 13 percent, shows the Digital Agenda for Romania 2014-2020, a document put up for public debate until the end of July, on the website of the Ministry for the Information Society (MSI).

According to the cited source, the key performance objectives of the Digital Agenda require cumulative efforts by the European countries for meeting the objectives assumed by the European Commission.

Read more: Digital Agenda for Romania 2020 put up for public debate until July 31, 2014

The World Bank and the Romanian Ministry for Information Society hosted a workshop on e-Government over the weekend as the roll-out of e-Government services in Romania continues. The workshop, titled e-Government Transformation: Moving from Nice-to-Have to Must-Have, was part of the World Bank’s regional Smart Specialization and Digital Agenda scheme.

“Romania has embarked on an ambitious project of aligning itself to the latest trends in e-Government and introducing the most advanced electronic systems in providing public services to its citizens,” said Romania’s Minister for Information Society Dan Nica. The Minister referred to the government’s digital agenda, which lays out the adoption of of online digital services and two recent programs; Online Issuance of Civil Status Documents and the e-Agricultural Registry. Meanwhile, World Bank Country Manager in Romania Elisabetta Capannelli highlighted the apparent dual benefits of online government services – increased efficiency and cost reduction, as well as an improvement in the quality of service to the public.

Read more: World Bank and Romania’s IT Ministry hold workshop on roll-out of e-Government services

The Ministry for Information Society published on its website the July updated version of the National Strategy for the Romanian Digital Agenda, which says that “a complete implementation of the strategic vision for the ITC sector in Romania, that will fulfill the specified targets will require a total investment of EUR 2.4 billion,” according to

According to the document published by the Ministry of Information Society, the impact of the EUR 2.4 billion investments will translate into a 13 percent GDP growth, while the number of jobs is expected to grow by 11 percent and administrative costs are expected to decline by 12 percent during 2014-2020.

Read more: Updated Strategy for the Digital Agenda for Romania 2014-2020 is published

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The World Bank and the Romanian Ministry for Information Society hosted a workshop entitled “e-Government Transformation: Moving from Nice-to-Have to Must-Have” in Bucharest on May 30th as part of the Bank’s regional work on the Smart Specialization and Digital Agenda.

Experts and key practitioners from the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) field, as well as local attendees that work in ICT sectors across the Romanian Government, shared their experiences with e-Government. The workshop was designed as an exchange on strategies, frameworks, and approaches developed by the EU, and already successfully implemented in different countries.

Read more: e-Government in Romania – from ‘Nice-to-Have’ to ‘Must-Have’

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