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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
90% of Taipei's population will soon have access to wireless Internet broadband

Taipaei looks set to be a wireless cybercity as its Mobile City (M-City) project nears completion this year.

Making use of an advanced form of Wi-Fi technology called Wireless Mesh, a swarm of about 10,000 wireless access points is being set up in and about the city to provide wireless broadband Internet access to the city's residents.

Read more: Taiwan: Wireless in the city

Following a government drive to establish a sophisticated e-government network, the Ministry of National Defense has developed a new multi-function Web site that offers enhanced administrative efficiency, a military official said yesterday.

Cheng Jheng-chi, a commissioner from the archives department of the MND, said the MND had, under advice from the Executive Yuan, employed non-government organizations to improve its Web site content.

Read more: Taiwan: Ministry of National Defense develops new multi-function Web site

High rating seen as result of government efforts to promote Internet services to raise efficiency

Known for the fast development of its computer and information industries, Taiwan now ranks third among all countries worldwide for overall networked readiness, according to the "Global Information Technology Report 2004-2005" released by the World Economic Forum.

Read more: Taiwan ranked third among all countries in network readiness

The most recent review by the World Economic Forum of global information technology affirmed Taiwan's status as world-leader in information and communications technology (ICT), but also revealed that shortcomings in infrastructure and our political system continue to drag down competitiveness.

The focus of government industrial and technology policy, of course, should not be simply be directed at improving numerical ratings, but ratings of the "Networked Readiness Index" and its individual components drawn up by the WEF in its Global Information Technology Report can be of use in highlighting key areas for future improvement.

Read more: Taiwan's ICT needs innovation, reform

Netzwerk mit 10.000 Access Points

Die taiwanesische Hauptstadt Taipeh soll zu einem einzigen riesigen Hotspot werden, an dem der drahtlose Zugang zum Internet für praktisch die gesamte Bevölkerung von jedem Ort aus möglich wird. Wie das asiatische IT-Portal DigiTimes berichtet, wurde ein entsprechender Vertrag zwischen Qware Systems & Services und der taiwanesischen Stadtverwaltung unterschrieben. Im Endausbau soll das WiFly genannte System über 10.000 Access Points verfügen. Qware erhofft sich für WiFly bis Jahresende rund 200.000 Kunden.

Read more: Taiwan: Taipeh wird zu riesigem Hotspot

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