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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Fostering a wireless and digital working environment is becoming an essential part of our modern day society. Bill Edwards, the managing director of the e-Government Unit, is well aware of the trend towards a digitized government or "Directgov" as his envoy is currently responsible for the creation and sustainability of advocating the British project to Taipei. "'Directgov' basically attempts to deliver better service more efficiently with transparency to people and to divert the freed up money to other services such as health care, education and other front line services," said Edwards.

In addition, Edwards hopes that these new e-services will eventually replace traditional services as it gains momentum and acceptability among the mainstream population.

Edward's recent visit to Taiwan is a positive sign that Taiwan is becoming increasingly immersed in its e-government initiatives. Edwards, however, admits that the British model may not be suitable for every country interested in engaging in such ventures, as local discrepancies play an important factor in the final outcome.

"Nevertheless, I advocate the sensibility of Taiwan's public and private sector cooperation with one another in undertaking such an innovative project," noted Edwards.

Five long years of dedicated efforts towards the project have finally started to repeat benefits for local citizens. Directgov takes government services and clusters them around audiences such as parents and disabled people. The adaptation and learning process is dedicated to improve services in various sectors which includes education, employment, health & well being, home & community, money, Britons living abroad and travel and transport as some of the important issues covered.

The government organization has organized and created UK online centers across the country to ensure citizens from all demographics can understand and utilize the Internet for personal or e-government purposes, while at the same time removing the former barrier of entry. Furthermore, this endeavor has been promoted on the island's digital cable television network, where penetration rate has reached 50 percent.

"The participation of different channel members in Taiwan's e-government initiative will play a vital role in creating a cost-effective solution while at the same time cater to the needs of consumers with its relative content," he emphasized.

The 'directgov' project has been able to elicit product development, marketing proposition and consumer satisfaction. Through key findings from consumer research, four in five respondents indicated that Directgov gave convenient access to public services and information. Similarly, nine out of ten users stated that they were likely to use Directgov in the future.

On the issue of privacy, Edwards stated that there is legislation currently in the UK on protecting personal information so consumers can be satisfied in this aspect of service and privacy. This consideration should be included in Taiwan's plan to cultivate an e-government project.

"Overall, I am impressed by Taipei's forward thinking goals and ambitions and commitments. Taiwan's e-government project looks like a success," Edwards said.

Autor: Dennis Chang

Quelle: The China Post, 28.10.2004

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