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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Taiwan ranks first in the world in terms of government online services and information, according to the Cabinet-level Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS).

Citing the recently released fourth annual Global e-Government Survey conducted by researchers at Brown University in the United States, DGBAS officials said that Taiwan topped the list of 198 countries around the world surveyed with 44.3 points in overall e-government performance, followed by Singapore with 43.8 points, the United States with 41.9 points, Canada with 40.3 points and Monaco with 39 points. The study reviewed 1,935 government Web sites in the 198 nations during June, July and August of this year. Among the sites analyzed were those of executive offices, judicial offices, Cabinet offices and major agencies serving crucial functions of government, such as health, human services, taxation, education, interior, economic development, administration, natural resources, foreign affairs, foreign investment, transportation, military, tourism and business regulations.

Using the number of services plus access to information, disability access, privacy, security, and foreign language translation as the criteria, the researchers rated each country on a point scale of 0 to 100.

Taiwan jumped to the No. 1 spot in this year's survey after ranking fifth overall last year.

Autor: Huang Kwang-chun

Quelle: CNA News, 03.10.2004

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