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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As the Canadian government works to streamline and consolidate its IT services, a group of deputy ministers say the government must focus on the usability of new technologies for clients and employees.

Deputy Minister of Canadian Heritage Daniel Jean, Deputy Minister of Industry Canada John Knubley and Associate Deputy Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada Renée Jolicoeur spoke at a government technology conference Thursday in Ottawa. The panel, moderated by Deputy Minister and President of the Canada School of Public Service Linda Lizotte-MacPherson, focused on the management of changes within government IT.

Read more: CA: End user must be the starting point of public service IT shifts: deputy ministers

The federal government’s IT consolidation program being undertaken by Shared Services Canada expects to save some $50 million by improving the way government offices handle email.

Shared Services Canada generated savings “almost immediately” by taking a government-wide approach to integrating the government’s IT infrastructure, said Diane Finley, minister of public works and government services, in her speech at the Government and Technology Exhibition and Conference (GTEC) yesterday in Ottawa.

“Email transformation will result in $ 50 million of taxpayers’ dollars saved,” she said.

Read more: CA: Government eyes $50 million savings in email transformation

The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister responsible for Shared Services Canada, today delivered a keynote address at Canada's Government Technology Event (GTEC) 2013, outlining how Shared Services Canada is delivering the Government's vision of a leaner, more efficient government and better value for taxpayers. The Minister focused on three key areas where the government will focus its efforts through SSC: savings, security and better service through private sector engagement.

"Savings was at the heart of the mandate that Prime Minister Harper gave SSC two years ago and it still is," said Minister Finley. "SSC generated savings almost immediately, just from taking a government-wide approach and integrating IT infrastructure. Those early savings are helping reduce $150 million in costs that the 2012 Economic Action Plan Budget outlined and email transformation will result in another $50 million of taxpayers' dollars saved."

Read more: CA: Harper Government to Achieve Important Savings Through IT Infrastructure Transformation

Number of data centres to fall to fewer than 20 from 300

Shared Services Canada will help transform Canada’s federal government, reducing costs, securing government networks and better preparing it to offer new services to Canadians, says Diane Finley, minister of public works and government Services.

Speaking at the second day of the Government and Technology Exhibition and Conference (GTEC), Finley said Wednesday that the ongoing rollout of Shared Services Canada is one of the government’s most important initiatives.

Read more: CA: Federal government enters second year of three-year IT consolidation program

P.E.I.'s new 811 telehealth service has been receiving more calls than expected, and that's led to some complaints about delays in getting a response.

Health PEI says it planned for 40 to 60 calls a day, but the first week an average of 70 Islanders daily called for health advice from a registered nurse.

If a nurse isn't available immediately, and the issue isn't urgent, people are told they'll get a call back.

Read more: CA: Prince Edward Island: Telehealth line getting more calls than expected

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