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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

For some in democratic societies, the trudge down to the polling station on Election Day is a treasured tradition.

But as brisk and time-honoured as it may be, several experts think we can do away with the schlep to the local school or hall to cast our votes, and safely take the process online.

Read more: CA: Because It’s 2016: Why Can’t We Vote Online?

Burlington residents can now report distracting signs advertisements around the city that they feel should be removed for pedestrian and driver safety.

The new customer service feature for ‘nuisance signs’ is available using the city’s online service request application at

Residents already use the website, as well as the iPhone or Android app, to report potholes, broken traffic signs, graffiti and coyote sightings.

Read more: CA: Ontario: Burlington takes aim at removing 'nuisance' signs

Sometimes, the best ideas are born in the midst of a crisis.

And perhaps that’s something that can be said about the transformation public libraries in Middlesex County have experienced over the last five years. During that time, they have gone from being, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, “a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing by the public or the members of an institution” to what they are today: Resource centres where community members can find assistance to solve a great variety of problems they may be facing in their lives.

Read more: CA: Ontario: Middlesex County: Setting the example for community service in the county

The Federal Government has announced plans to extend its rural broadband initiative Connecting Canadians to include an additional 65,000 households.

Innovation, Science and Economic Development minister Navdeep Bains said Friday from Niagara-on-the-Lake that 23 Internet service providers across Canada are receiving approximately $34.5 million to increase broadband Internet access for more than 65,000 households in rural areas across Canada.

Read more: CA: Feds pump additional $34.5M into rural broadband program

As the private sector offers quicker and easier services online, Ottawa is lagging behind in both expectations and service.

The federal government is lagging behind both private sector offerings and Canadians’ expectations in online services, internal documents warn.

A full 77 per cent of federal services still cannot be completed over the Internet, documents prepared for Treasury Board President Scott Brison show.

Read more: CA: Federal government lagging on online services, documents warn

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