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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Burlington residents can now report distracting signs advertisements around the city that they feel should be removed for pedestrian and driver safety.

The new customer service feature for ‘nuisance signs’ is available using the city’s online service request application at

Residents already use the website, as well as the iPhone or Android app, to report potholes, broken traffic signs, graffiti and coyote sightings.

The city’s manager of bylaw enforcement, licensing and animal service, Tracey Burrows, said nuisance signs are often advertisements and portable signs found at major intersections and boulevards.

“The addition of this new service request will provide residents with a quick and easy way to inform the city about advertising signs that are creating clutter and impacting sightlines, posing traffic and pedestrian safety hazards,” she said.

Residents can upload a picture with their report and use the interactive map to follow the progress of their request and see where other reports have been made in the city.

Once a service request is submitted, city staff will investigate if the signs should be removed.

“We anticipate this new service request will help city staff track the locations of nuisance signs across the city and also save time locating the signs,” Burrows said.

The city made the decision to expand its service request application as it focuses on increasing customer satisfaction through the e-Government program.

“More than two-thirds of residents and 70 per cent of businesses surveyed said they prefer to carry out interactions and transactions with the city online,” said Deb Caughlin, manager of Service Burlington.

“The city is listening and responding to these needs by continuing to expand the online customer service application.”


Autor(en)/Author(s): Michael Gregory

Quelle/Source: InsideHalton, 15.08.2016

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