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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
ITC's eChoupal project is a winner—for farmers who get better remuneration and for the company that's assured quality inputs for its business

Imagine an illiterate farmer in a remote village in Madhya Pradesh sitting at a desktop wired up to the WWW through a small VSAT link, powered by a tiny power generator by the side, and surfing away to glory downloading invaluable information about weather forecasts and sowing trends.

Read more: India: The eChoupal advantage

The Ministry of Company Affairs and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) have recently launched an online portal to provide electronic filing services to its stakeholders.

The Indian government under the aegis of Ministry of Company Affairs has recently launched a project called MCA-21. The project was formally launched at Coimbatore in February 2006 and is expected to go live all over the country before May 2006.

Read more: India: Changing with the times

After success in Sitapur dist, new DM to replicate Lok Vani e-governance project in Faizabad

After ushering in a cyber revolution in Sitapur district, Amod Kumar, now the district magistrate of Faizabad, will introduce e-governance in the district through Lokvani, which empowers citizens to interact with government departments through the Internet.

Read more: India: Now, Faizabad to ‘check’ admin work at click of mouse

The e-delivery of the Taxpayer Services Project is an initiative of the Income Tax Department of the Ministry of Finance, and is one of the largest e-governance projects undertaken by the Government of India. The project is scheduled to be operational by December 2006.

The department has selected Oracle to drive the project across the country. It has chosen Oracle Database and Oracle Fusion Middleware as the platform to develop a single national database based on a three-tier mode architecture to increase efficiencies and improve citizen services. This was announced by V S Mathur, Director General (Systems) in the department.

Read more: India: The IT department’s e-delivery

"Electronic Legalities’’ is a new term that has gained currency in recent times. This term really signifies all legal aspects concerning the electronic format. This phrase ‘’electronic legalities’’ is still a phrase of the western horizon rather than from own our nation.

However, companies of our nation now have to increasingly not only hear about electronic legalities but also comply with the same, while engaged in their day-to-day operations and business functions. This is so because of increasing dependence on of the electronic format.

Read more: India: Companies must comply with electronic legalities

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