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Saturday, 14.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
President A P J Abdul Kalam today asked the Comptroller and Auditor General to go for online auditing so that there is no time lag between auditing work and completion of the project concerned.

"The process of audit has to become online. For this, it may be advisable, to install e-governance system for project management and monitoring at the commencement of the project itself," he said after laying the foundation stone of the new office of CAG here.

Read more: India: Kalam asks CAG to go for e-auditing

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, today launched the 'Village Resource Centre', a single window facility to provide number of services for rural population, emphasising the importance of modern science and technology in removing mass poverty.

"Unless we take the benefits of modern science and technology to our villages, we cannot get rid of mass poverty which has afflicted millions and millions of our people", he said launching the Centre through a video link from here.

Read more: India: PM launches 'Village Resource Centre'

We need to deliver on many fronts if rural areas are to be shown the blessings of information technology

A structural transformation of the Indian economy with a view to achieve high and sustained rate of growth and improvement in the standard and quality of living of the people with the eradication of the poverty to unemployment was conceived as a basic strategy of its planning so that the foundations of modern self reliant economy could be laid down.

Read more: India: Information Technology and Rural Development

Some initiatives are now beginning to make a difference.

Despite India's competitiveness in the IT sector, use of technology by Government may not be taking off as quickly as desired

But a silent transition is, nevertheless, creeping in, powered by e-governance projects.

Read more: India: On the e-gov road

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to the amendment proposed in the Information Technology Act, 2000. The Information Technology Act was originally enacted in the year 2000, which primarily aimed to boost e-commerce in the country and also to create an enabling environment for e-Governance in the country. It provides a legal framework for transactions carried out using computers and the internet technologies. The Act was enacted keeping in view the technology directions and scenario existing at that time. As the technology is an ever-evolving process for providing efficient and cost effective options, it was felt that a fresh look into the technology driven law needs to be given.

Read more: India: Union Cabinet approves amendment to the Information Technology Act, 2000

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