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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
"There is a transaction on your land bearing survey no. X of Y village of Z taluk. This is for your information. Sender: Bhoomi."

An SMS beeps on your mobile. This alert system, designed by Bhoomi, a part of e-governance department, which should be up in a month, will help landowners who reside in places other than where their property is situated.With dubious transactions via impersonation becoming the order of the day, such tip-offs about mutation can come as a boon, e-governance secretary Rajeev Chawla told TOI.

Read more: India: You will get SMS alerts on your land

Despite the problems, the rural e-Seva Centres can play a key role in rural e-governance.

If the technology partners can provide bank guarantee, the centres can provide more services to the customers.

The Krishna district joint collector had recently asked the APOnline to provide bank guarantees to the RIVs.

Read more: India: Andhra Pradesh: RIVs need bank guarantees

Keeping in mind the ever-growing middle class, the state IT minister Debesh Das today pointed out that West Bengal has a tremendous potential for greater IT percolation. With the introduction of e-governance activities the state government can now look forward to reaching out to the masses with Information Technology (IT) with a push for contents in local languages.

“The standard of people in villages in West Bengal is higher than other metros and we have a large middle class, which will help us to attract IT,” said Das, speaking at the inauguration of an IT exhibition organised by the Computer Association of Eastern India (COMPASS).

Read more: India: Huge potential for IT percolation: Das

Troubles continue to dog the Rajiv Internet Village (RIV), the ambitious rural e-governance initiative of the State Government, even two years after their inception.

The RIV was envisaged as a chain of computerised integrated citizen service centres aimed to provide electronically deliverable services to the rural areas in an efficient, reliable, transparent and integrated manner.

Read more: India: Andhra Pradesh: Troubles continue to dog RAJivs

Jharkhand, celebrating its sixth anniversary this week, has been chosen for the 'best potential e-governance state award' by an organisation of IT professionals.

The Computer Society of India (CSI), the largest society of tech professionals in the country, had short-listed seven states for the award including Karnataka, Uttaranchal, Delhi, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Himanchal Pradesh.

Read more: India: Jharkhand bags potential e-governance state award

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