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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
West Bengal’s information technology department is planning to revive Banglar Mukh, the official e-governance portal, from near-oblivion as an e-commerce site to a meaningful interactive virtual platform.

Within the next month, the government will take a call on whether Tata Consultancy Service (TCS), the country’s largest software company, would continue to manage the portal, and how much money it should spend on the project.

Read more: India: Facelift for Banglar Mukh

Employment exchanges across the country may soon be computerised. The Centre has agreed to bear 75% of the cost burden of the project under the National e-Governance Programme (NeGP), while the balance will be paid by respective states.

There are many states that are mooting computerisation of employment exchanges with assistance from the Centre. Computerisation under NeGP also includes delivering services such as application registration to a citizen through a single-window. While states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala have already started the process of computerisation of the database, the single-window access is yet to take shape.

Read more: India: Goverment plans to computerise job exchanges

One of the major initiatives was the government's policy of not concentrating or limiting the growth due to the lack of infrastructure, but taking it to the tier-2 cities and towns

The Government of India has initiated various measures to take the fruits of the information technology to the common man, by establishing one lakh common service centers right from the city to the village block level through the private-public partnership (PPP) model.

Read more: India gearing-up for e-governance

Orissa's e-Shishu project seeks to ensure education for all children up to age 14 in the State.

Orissa's e-Shishu project — on how a State Government and its district administration can leverage ICT (information and communication technology) to deliver governance — is a model worth emulating.

The project has demonstrated the initiative in capacity building of nearly 50,000 officers and staff of the Government.

Read more: India: Orissa: IT takes them to school

The department of information technology (DIT) has initiated the process of assigning a unique identification (UID) to the Indian citizen. UIDs would serve as the basis for efficient delivery of social and welfare services.

The UID scheme will form the core database for delivery of all citizen-centric e-governance services. The major responsibility for maintaining this database would rest with the state governments.

Read more: India: Soon you may enjoy unique IDs

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