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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
India's spending on e-governance up 30 per cent YoY, expected to touch Rs 10,000 crore by 2009, says the consultancy firm.

Skoch Consultancy Services is conducting a national e-governance census. It covers projects from all the states to map the spread and impact of e-governance on the lives of common citizen. The census will cover quantitative data in terms of applications being used in every state and central government departments, and also their usage in terms of transactions handled or hits.

These findings will further be clubbed with e-governance report card that assesses some of these projects on various qualitative parameters like ease of use, reduction in corruption, affordability of service and efficiency of staff, amongst others.

"E-governance in India is entering into its next stage of fruition that necessitates that we map and document the spread and the benefits that are being accrued to the citizenry at large both qualitatively as well as quantitatively. It will also provide direction to the future course of action. We could avoid expensive mistakes through learning this way," said Sameer Kochhar, CEO, Skoch Consultancy Services.

The census, which covers more such qualitative and quantitative insights, will be released in early 2007. Census was kicked off at the third annual India@Work summit.

According to Skoch, India's e-governance market is expected spend Rs 4000 crore during the year 2006, a growth of 30 per cent from Rs 3014 crore during 2005. This figure is estimated to jump 35 per cent during the next year. And, this growth will be driven by projects like Common Services Centres of the department of information technology that attempt at reaching government services to every nook and corner of the country.

Quelle/Source: EFYTimes, 13.10.2006

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