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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

In the shadow of India’s historic palaces and ancient bazaars, a new kind of monument is rising: The smart city. India's ambitious journey towards urban development, fueled by cutting-edge technology, is transforming age-old city landscapes into digital hubs equipped to handle the 21st century's demands. The surge of technology in urban planning, from Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to smart grids, is not merely an addition but a necessity as urban populations explode and infrastructure demands soar.

India, home to over 1.4 billion people, is urbanising at an unprecedented pace. By 2050, the urban population is expected to nearly double, bringing a slew of challenges from housing shortages to pollution crises. In response, the Indian government initiated the Smart Cities Mission in 2015, aiming to create 100 smart cities that are both sustainable and technologically advanced.

Read more: IN: Blueprint to reality: Impact on urban development

Jammu City is set to implement the Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS) from June 10, while Srinagar will follow soon after the completion of ongoing Smart City projects.

The ITMS will enhance traffic management through features like Automatic Number Plate Recognition, Red Light Violation Detection and monitoring for infractions such as riding without a helmet, triple riding, not wearing seat belts, using mobile phones while driving, and wrong parking.

Read more: IN: Jammu and Kashmir: Jammu City to implement intelligent traffic management system from June 10

The Smart City program in India is a giant leap towards sustainable urban development. By focusing on infrastructure improvements and fostering citizen participation, the program can achieve its full potential.

Sustainability in today’s world is more than just a fleeting phenomenon; it signifies enduring practices that can thrive over time and be embedded in our practices. The notion of smart cities carries immense potential to invigorate, include, and enhance urban life. The initiation of India’s smart city program is commendable as it marks the outset of a journey toward positive transformation and alleviate urban living standards.

Read more: IN: Role of Smart Cities in sustainable urban development

The process of converting overhead electrical networks to underground systems is nearing completion in Panaji and Ribandar, the Smart City Mission said.

The project, called Scougen (smart conversion of overhead to underground electrical network) is designed to improve the reliability and efficiency of the power infrastructure, and the electricity department says it will specifically address the frequent power failures and upgrade outdated electrical equipment.

Read more: IN: Goa: Panaji: Smart City close to pushing all electric cables underground

The Nashik Municipal Smart City Development Corporation Ltd (NMSCDCL) has begun the second phase of installation of CCTV cameras recently with 250 cameras.

Around 125 CCTV cameras will be installed at 60 black spots across the city where erring city residents tend to dump garbage. This initiative is part of measures to deter residents from dumping garbage at these black spots.

Read more: IN: Maharashtra: Nashik: 250 more CCTV cams to keep eye on Godavari, trash spots

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