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Sunday, 8.09.2024
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TM: Turkmenistan

  • Digitalization in Turkmenistan fosters transition to fourth industrial revolution

    The importance of the digitalization process in Turkmenistan stipulates the transition to the fourth industrial revolution and the sixth technological mode, Trend reports referring to the Altyn Asyr newspaper.

    'A round table on the Digital Economy Development Concept in Turkmenistan was held at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Turkmenistan, the message said.

  • Department of computer technologies set up under office of President of Turkmenistan

    A department of computer technologies was set up under the office of the president of Turkmenistan. The new structure will oversee the introduction of a unified electronic document management system in the Turkmen government and its proper functioning.

    “The use of latest achievements and high technologies, improving efficiency of public administration, introduction of e-Government will become an important factor in the further progress and confident progressive development of the Turkmen society,” Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said on Friday, signing a corresponding resolution.

  • Erste Internet-Cafes für Turkmenistan

    Neuer Präsident setzte sich dafür ein

    Auch Turkmenistan ist jetzt wieder drin: Zwei Tage nach der Vereidigung des neuen Präsidenten Gurbanguly Berdymuchammedow haben in dem abgeschotteten asiatischen Land am Freitag die ersten beiden öffentlichen Internet-Cafes geöffnet.

    In aller Stille und ohne Werbung, wie ein Angestellter des staatlichen Telekommunikationsunternehmens TurkmenTelekom einräumte, der sich daher auch nicht über die ausbleibende Kundschaft wunderte.

  • India offers ICT support to Turkmenistan

    India has assured Turkmenistan of all cooperation in ICT areas like e-health, e-education and e-governance services.

    In his keynote address at the inaugural session of TurkmenTEL 2012 at Ashgabat, Kapil Sibal, minister for communications & IT, government of India recalled historical ties between India and Turkmenistan and emphasized the need for regional cooperation to uplift the social and economic status of the people in the region.

  • President of Turkmenistan instructs to accelerate digitalization process

    President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov determined the deadlines for completion of the digitalization process in the country by October this year and emphasized the importance of creating conditions for the functioning of e-Government system.

    President noted that the transition of print media from traditional paper to digital form and Internet versions is one of the priorities of digitalization of the Turkmen media.

  • Rustam Minnikhanov offers "electronic government" system for Turkmenistan's needs

    A governmental delegation of Turkmenistan led by Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan Nazarguly Shagulyev arrived in Kazan on August 16. According to "Tatar-inform" news agency, the Turkmen delegation was received by President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov in the Kazan Kremlin. The meeting was also attended by Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov, Vice-Premier, Minister of Information and Communications of Tatarstan Nikolai Nikiforov, as well as heads of major enterprises of Tatarstan.

    During the conversation, Rustam Minnikhanov expressed confidence that bilateral cooperation between Turkmenistan and Tatarstan would be strengthened, noting the success of projects for the purchase of equipment manufactured by KAMAZ and development of oil wells in Turkmenistan by oilmen of Tatarstan. "We need to develop a number of other projects in the field of shipbuilding, aerospace, tourism," the president of Tatarstan said. According to him, Tatarstan's companies are currently developing several alternative projects for the establishment of gambling zones in the territory of Turkmenistan's national tourist zone "Avaza".

  • South Korea Plants Flag for Advanced Smart Cities in Central Asia

    The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (MOLIT), which is officially accompanying President Yoon Suk-yeol on his state visit to three Central Asian countries – Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan – has agreed to expand existing construction and infrastructure cooperation with resource-rich Turkmenistan to include new areas such as new towns and smart cities. Additionally, they aim to strengthen collaboration in transportation sectors, including aviation and railways.

    Given Turkmenistan's abundant natural gas resources, which rank fourth in the world in reserves, it is expected to commission large-scale plant construction projects to expand production. Both countries are also signing various agreements to concretize this cooperation.

  • TM: Still Waiting for the Digital Age

    Turkmenistan’s leader, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, has tried to give the Central Asian country a modern gloss by touting the Internet’s ability to make life simpler. The initiative, however, has become the butt of jokes and derision among Ashgabat residents.

    One such anecdote goes like this: Getting anything accomplished on the web is about as convenient as using a mobile phone tethered to a desk.

  • Turkmen President: Turkmenistan needs to take urgent measures to introduce "e-government"

    Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammadov stressed "taking urgent measures" to broadly implement electronic government document control, the national TV channel "Altyn Asir" reported on Tuesday.

    According to the report, the president talked about the change during a video conference with the participants of a workshop meeting on further improving the government's electronic document control, currently being held in Ashgabat.

    Berdimuhammadov stressed the need to introduce "this advanced method in all sectors of the national economy".

  • Turkmenistan confirms its readiness to expand international co-op in field of digitalization

    Turkmenistan is ready to expand international cooperation in the field of digitalization and green technologies.

    This was stated by the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov, speaking at the 70th session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe dedicated to digital and green transformation.

  • Turkmenistan moves towards e-govt

    Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov has decreed the introduction of e-government in the country, allowing more government programmes and agencies to work on the internet.

    Berdymukhamedov first voiced the idea in April 2010, instructing Turkmen specialists “to study international experience in the relevant area.” He followed that by establishing an IT unit to guide e-government implementation.

    Aware that his country is far behind in terms of egovernment, the president has made efforts to pinpoint the hurdles and has made moves to overcome some of them. He ordered computer literacy courses for government employees, students and schoolchildren at the beginning of this year, for example.

  • Turkmenistan opens elaborate 'smart city' development

    The president of Turkmenistan on Thursday officially inaugurated a vast, multibillion-dollar development hailed as the country's first “smart city” and named after the president's father, who established a pervasive cult of personality when he was the longtime ruler.

    The city designed for 70,000 is named Arkadag (Protector), a title used by former president Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, who led the country for 15 years before being succeeded last year by his son Serdar.

  • Turkmenistan starts issuing biometric passports to citizens with Russian passports

    Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a statement at an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. He stressed that every Turkmen, regardless of nationality, gender, origin, property and official status, language, religion, political belief, will sure to receive a new Turkmen passport on time, the country's Foreign Ministry said today, the Turkmen Embassy in Azerbaijan reported.

    According to the report, starting from June 17, the Turkmen State Migration Service starts issuing new biometric passports to Turkmen citizens with Russian passports as well.

  • Turkmenistan to explore possibilities of introducing 5G technology

    Turkmenistan will explore the possibilities of introducing 5G technology in the country.

    According to an official source, this proposal by Mammetkhan Chakiyev, Director of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers, was approved by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the next online meeting of the government.

  • Turkmenistan to implement e-government

    Furthering his own initiative of one year ago, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov decreed the introduction of e-government in the country June 11, which will allow more government programmes and agencies to work on the internet.

    “Former President Saparmurat Niyazov could promise something and forget all about it – unlike Berdymukhamedov, who keeps his word and moves toward his proclaimed goal step by step,” Vitaly Shukurov, 40, a programming engineer from Ashgabat, said.

  • Turkmenistan to set up e-government

    The Ministry of Economy and Development and the Ministry of Communications of Turkmenistan have been instructed to create a unified system to introduce information and communication technologies into public administration, as well as create a fiber-optic communication system of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan with the ministries and line agencies.

    Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a decree to this effect "to improve the efficiency of public administration on the basis of modern organization of interdepartmental information exchange, ensuring effective application of information and communication technologies, and enhancing safety and security of information."

  • Turkmenistan, U.N. discuss e-government project

    The Turkmen government and U.N. are discussing a cooperation project to reform government mechanisms on macroeconomic management and e-government, the Altin Asir television channel reported.

    The issue was addressed today at a meeting between President Gurbangulu Berdimuhammedov and U.N. Secretariat Economic and Social Affairs Department Adviser Alexei Tikhomirov.

    Turkmenistan intends to introduce an e-workflow and the e-government e-document handling system.

  • Turkmenistan, UN discuss digital technology projects

    A meeting with Natia Natsvlishvili, Deputy Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Turkmenistan, was held at the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET), Trend reports referring to UIET.

    The meeting participants named interaction on the development of services in the Awaza tourist zone as well as on the introduction of digital technologies as promising areas of cooperation. They also discussed opportunities for expanding cooperation for implementation of UNDP projects, and the “smart-city” project in particular, according to the source.

  • Turkmenistan, UN to work on e-gov project

    The Turkmen government and the United Nations (UN) are collaborating on a project to reform government mechanisms on e-government in the country.

    The project was discussed during the meeting between Turkmenistan President Gurbangulu Berdimuhammedov and UN Secretariat Economic and Social Affairs Department Adviser Alexei Tikhomirov early this month.

    Among the topics discussed are reforming and strengthening of mechanisms for public administration including macroeconomic management, personnel training and advanced training.

  • Turkmenistan: Get smart city Arkadag

    The former president, for whom the entire city was built, did not turn up for the inauguration, preferring instead to embark on a trip to Mecca.

    The opening of Turkmenistan’s newest city, Arkadag, was performed with the requisite fanfare on June 29.

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