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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

TM: Turkmenistan

  • Turkmenistan: Get smart city Arkadag

    The former president, for whom the entire city was built, did not turn up for the inauguration, preferring instead to embark on a trip to Mecca.

    The opening of Turkmenistan’s newest city, Arkadag, was performed with the requisite fanfare on June 29.

  • Turkmenistan: Internet statt Demokratie

    Der neue Herrscher Turkmenistans will Internet-Cafes zulassen

    Ein Sprecher der staatlichen turkmenischen Telefongesellschaft Turkmentelecom hat am Montag in der Hauptstadt Aschgabad bekannt gegeben, dass sein Unternehmen demnächst mehrere Internet-Cafes in dem zentralasiatischen Land eröffnen werde.

  • Turkmenistan: Is President Berdymukhamedov spinning a web fantasy?

    In the hands of the Turkmen people, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov’s regime tends to view the Internet as a dangerous implement. Yet, kept under proper supervision, Berdymukhamedov evidently feels the web can make the Turkmen government more efficient.

    During a late October cabinet session in Ashgabat, Berdymukhamedov announced an initiative to promote e-government. The electronic revolution, according to Berdymukhamedov’s vision, will begin on the local level and work its way up to the national level.

  • Turkmenistan’s Academy of Civil Service introduces e-governance course

    The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has provided technical and advisory support to the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan in developing and adapting the e-governance course for the Academy students. Work on development of this course started in October 2010 with the active participation of UNDP international consultant Munira Aminova.

    “During my second visit to Ashgabat in the framework of the UNDP project, we held a series of fruitful and interesting meetings with faculty members and students of the Academy, where we discussed the main directions of further cooperation for the phased introduction of educational and methodological course in the Academy’s curriculum. This course was developed with the support of national consultants. We were able to test the course on the basis of interactive work, including situation analysis, brainstorming and role-playing,” Munira Aminova said.

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