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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has provided technical and advisory support to the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan in developing and adapting the e-governance course for the Academy students. Work on development of this course started in October 2010 with the active participation of UNDP international consultant Munira Aminova.

“During my second visit to Ashgabat in the framework of the UNDP project, we held a series of fruitful and interesting meetings with faculty members and students of the Academy, where we discussed the main directions of further cooperation for the phased introduction of educational and methodological course in the Academy’s curriculum. This course was developed with the support of national consultants. We were able to test the course on the basis of interactive work, including situation analysis, brainstorming and role-playing,” Munira Aminova said.

During her recent visit, the UNDP international consultant also briefed the academic staff and students of the Academy on the international experience in e-governance, national practices of some EU countries and the CIS on the use of electronic systems for coordination and monitoring of decisions in the public administration system, as well as the use of electronic documents at all levels of government, including local authorities.

The UNDP project “Enhancement of Public Administration System in Turkmenistan” is implemented since 2010 in partnership with the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan. One of the project objectives is to develop and introduce the e-governance and human development training courses in the Academy’s curriculum. The project also supports the mutually beneficial cooperation with relevant institutions and agencies from Europe and the CIS, as well as exchange of experience in improving skills of civil servants of Turkmenistan.


Quelle/Source: Turkmenistan, 07.10.2011

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