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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov has decreed the introduction of e-government in the country, allowing more government programmes and agencies to work on the internet.

Berdymukhamedov first voiced the idea in April 2010, instructing Turkmen specialists “to study international experience in the relevant area.” He followed that by establishing an IT unit to guide e-government implementation.

Aware that his country is far behind in terms of egovernment, the president has made efforts to pinpoint the hurdles and has made moves to overcome some of them. He ordered computer literacy courses for government employees, students and schoolchildren at the beginning of this year, for example.

Since Berdymukhamedov’s election in 2007, the number of internet clubs in the country has grown, schools have received computers, civil servants last year had to take PC user courses, and all government institutions were connected to the internet.

“The e-government project is important not only for systematizing the government agencies’ activities, but for the social-political development of the society on the whole,” Berdymukhamedov said in a speech at a Turkmenistan-UNDP conference on establishing e-government and information technologies. “Our goal is to introduce computerization in every sphere of activities and provide accessibility of the technology for the people.”

Turkmenistan is currently discussing implementation and support for the e-government project with the UNDP.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Adrienne Valdez

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 06.07.2011

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