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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

ID: Indonesien / Indonesia

  • ID: Fruits of Bureaucracy Reform Will Take 5 Years, Official Admits

    It will be five years before the benefits of reform to the bureaucracy are evident given the messy and disorganized management of the current system, a deputy minister has admitted.

    “It’s like we’re planting right now. We will not get anything while planting but we will harvest in due time. We will see the results in five years if we keep improving it,” Eko Prasojo, the deputy minister for administrative reform, told a seminar on bureaucracy reform in Jakarta on Monday.

  • ID: Government Must Embrace E-Revolution

    The most striking thing about information and communication technology is how pervasive it is. ICT devices have diffused across all aspects of modern life — from our social lives to the daily routine of working life — in Indonesia and around the world. This diffusive nature of ICT has led to the rise of the information society, which has created major changes in public expectations, organizational structures and working processes.

    The spread of ICT devices has been remarkable. Given that the Internet did not came into public use until the 1990s, it has totally changed the rules of the game as the corporate world knew it. It has been the most vigorous catalyst of change and has been totally instrumental in creating deep social and organizational changes in a way that is nothing short of a paradigm shift.

  • ID: Government utilizes technology to improve public service: Jokowi

    Government needs to utilize technology advances to improve public service, given the current global development that has entered the era of digital reform, presidential candidate number 01 Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated.

    "Therefore, reforms in public services are needed through the use of information and electronic technology such as e-government, e-procurement and e-budgeting to prepare (ourselves) for entering the digital era," Jokowi explained at the fourth round of presidential debate in Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday evening.

  • ID: Govt to put personal health records on E-KTP

    The government has announced its intention to add a health feature that will hold residents’ personal health records on the E-KTP program. Head of the Assessment and Application of Technology Agency (BPPT) Marzan A Iskandar unveiled the plan during the 8th e-Indonesia Initiatives Forum in Jakarta on Wednesday.

    He said the e-health program would be implemented in coincide with the launching of the second generation of E-KTP, which would use microchips to hold owners’ personal data, including their health records.

  • ID: Hassle-free data solutions as current IT focus

    The dynamics of today’s technology allow for smart data solutions that provide quick, hassle-free customer- organization interaction.

    Optical character recognition (OCR) software is not new. It gained popularity along with the rising popularity of flatbed scanners. Today’s OCR software has developed in leaps and bounds.

    Intelligent Word Recognition (IWR) is the latest OCR technology. IWR is the recognition of unconstrained handwritten words; thus, IWR recognizes entire handwritten words or phrases instead of character-by-character, like OCR.

  • ID: High internet speed vital for digital transformation: minister

    Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi said here Tuesday that good internet speed is key for bringing about digital transformation in Indonesia.

    "If we cannot increase internet speed, do not expect we can go through this digital transformation well," he added.

    In fact, the main challenge is internet speed, which is not yet optimal, Setiadi underlined.

  • ID: IKN Will Prepare A Smart Transportation System With Security And Sustainability Principles

    The capital city of Nusantara (IKN) will be developed as a world-class capital that carries the concept of a smart city. The development of a smart city needs to be accompanied by the implementation of technology, which aims to increase the operational efficiency of cities, public services, and the quality of life of the community.

    Deputy for Green Transformation and Digital Authority of IKN, Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi, said that the smart transportation system (ITS) is one of the features of a smart city that will be developed at IKN.

  • ID: Indonesia, Singapore sign MoU on electronic governance

    Indonesia and Singapore have agreed to establish cooperation in the field of electronic governance, which is the implementation of government activities using technology.

    The agreement was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Indonesias Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Yuddy Chrisnandi and Singapores Communications and Information Minister Yacoob Ibrahim.

  • ID: Indosat Ooredoo launches commercial 5G in Solo city

    • Launches firstly in Solo city, Indonesia as part of a revitalisation campaign
    • Aimed at helping SMEs get back on feet before launching in other cities

    Indonsian telco Indosat Tbk (Indosat Ooredoo) has announced the launch of its first commercial 5G services in the city of Solo.

    The new 5G services offers Indosat Ooredoo's consumer and business customers access to enhanced mobile broadband internet, empowering the city’s economic recovery and digital transformation, the company said in a statement.

  • ID: Informatics Ministry supports development of ASEAN digital community

    The Ministry of Communication and Informatics is supporting the development of the digital community in the Southeast Asia region by implementing four aspects of inclusive digital transformation acceleration.

    "In supporting the realization of the ASEAN digital community, the Indonesian government is pushing four aspects of digital transformation acceleration, starting from strategic planning, connectivity, data utilization, to foreign cooperation," Communication and Informatics Minister's Special Staff for Digital and Human Resources Dedy Permadi stated in a press release on Saturday.

  • ID: Investment in smart city improves people's quality of life: OIKN

    The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) said that smart city investment is not only about technology but also about shaping people's quality of life.

    "Investment in the smart city is not only about technology but also about shaping the quality of life of the community as a whole as well as preserving the surrounding environment," OIKN Deputy for Funding and Investment Agung Wicaksono stated here on Tuesday.

  • ID: Jakarta invites ITB's alumni to help develop smart city

    Deputy Governor of Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria has invited alumni of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to help develop the capital city into a smart city.

    "The theme is to upgrade Jakarta into a smart city for big data," the Deputy Governor was quoted as saying in a statement issued by Jakarta's Alumni Association (IA) of ITB here on Sunday.

  • ID: Jakarta issues e-ID cards with biometrics

    The Jakarta Civil Registration Agency adopted biometrics through issuing new e-ID cards however only one million of 4.6 million e-ID cards have been issued. Data collection for the cards was completed in April. Purba Hutapea, chief of the agency, said residents who decided not to undergo fingerprint verification have caused delays in e-ID issuance.

    Authorities noted that even when migrant workers returned home for the Idul Fitri holiday, they did not take the opportunity to go and register for the e-ID card. The district office stayed open during the holiday to accommodate migrant workers who wished to register.

  • ID: Jakarta launches e-catalog system

    The city administration of Jakarta and the Government Procurement Regulatory Agency launched an e-catalog system for the procurement of heavy equipment in a bid to cut red tape in government institutions.

    According to Deputy Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, the e-catalog system aims to remove redundant and inefficient procurement processes.

    “By having the new system in place, we can simplify the bureaucratic procurement processes and improve transparency in our dealings with contractors and suppliers,” he said.

  • ID: Jakarta launches one stop service agency

    The newly established One Door Integrated Services Agency (BPTSP) will establish 520 service offices in Jakarta in the next year, providing residents a single point of entry in to the often confusing city bureaucracy. As part of the reform, current licence issuing departments will see all licensing consolidated in the new agency.

    Announced by outgoing Governor Joko Widodo, shortly to be inaugurated as the next President of Indonesia, BPTSP brings together all licensing from Jakarta provincial agencies in a single service organisation which will establish branches at the village and district level.

  • ID: Jakarta to develop mobile app to track bus arrivals

    City to partner with local delivery tracking app Go-Jek.

    Jakarta’s public bus operator TransJakarta will develop a mobile app for people to track the arrival times of buses at bus stops.

    The app will allow people to track the location of bus drivers and estimate when buses will arrive at the bus stops, said Steve Kosasih, CEO of TransJakarta.

  • ID: Jakarta to Issue Electronic Permit Certificates

    The Jakarta provincial government and the Jakarta Encryption Agency on Friday (29/4) signed a cooperation deal to implemented the electronic permit certificate program aimed at preventing document forgery.

    “With this electronic permit certificate, things will be fast and without hassle,” said Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

  • ID: Jakarta to launch e-payment system for public transport

    The city administration of Jakarta, Indonesia will be launching a simplified electronic payment system in the city’s Bus Rapid System as part of its on-going efforts to develop an integrated public transport system.

    According to Jakarta Vice Governor, Basuki T Purnama, the e-payment system, which is called e-Money or money card, is expected to improve commuting experience in the city by providing commuters with a fast and convenient way to settle payments in Transjakarta stops.

  • ID: Jakarta to roll out e-application system for building permits

    The Jakarta Construction Supervision and Regulation Agency (P2B), Indonesia will launch an electronic system to enable an online application of building permits.

    The initiative is in a bid to curb the epidemic of building permit violations that have spread across the city’s five municipalities, said P2B Head I Putu Ngurah Indiana.

    Developers and building owners have the tendency to avoid applying for a building permit properly due to its difficult and slow process they have to go through, he said.

  • ID: Jakarta, Bandung 'Smart Cities' EIU Research Report Finds

    Both Jakarta and West Java capital Bandung have both been deemed "smart cities" in a region-wide research project from the Economist Intelligence Unit, thanks to recent technology programs adopted by local government in both cities. Jakarta and Bandung are among 20 cities across Southeast Asia and Asia-Pacific identified by Startup My City, a research program by EIU, a branch of the Economist Group which provides global economic data and advisory services for industry overviews, and sponsored by Hitachi.

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