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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Jakarta Civil Registration Agency adopted biometrics through issuing new e-ID cards however only one million of 4.6 million e-ID cards have been issued. Data collection for the cards was completed in April. Purba Hutapea, chief of the agency, said residents who decided not to undergo fingerprint verification have caused delays in e-ID issuance.

Authorities noted that even when migrant workers returned home for the Idul Fitri holiday, they did not take the opportunity to go and register for the e-ID card. The district office stayed open during the holiday to accommodate migrant workers who wished to register.

“None of them have come to the office to have their personal data recorded for the e-ID while they are on Idul Fitri holiday here,” noted secretary Soesparsono of Somagede where more than 4,000 residents working outside the district came home for vacation.

In the Gunung Kaler district, the process was delayed not because of people not registering but because data collection equipment for making e-ID cards was stolen. Two digital cameras and two computers were missing which caused the delay for two days. Back-ups were made, so it did not hamper the registration process in the district.

In the future, a more direct approach will be used as the Civil Registration Agency will be visiting homes of residents to complete the verification process and the distribution of the cards. Family members with authorization will be able to pick up their relatives’ cards.

Do you think the Jakarta Civil Registration Agency will experience any more delays with issuing its e-ID cards?


Autor(en)/Author(s): T’ash Spencer

Quelle/Source: Biometric Update, 31.08.2012

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