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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Entrust Datacard arbeitet mit Identity Management Systems (eine Tochtergesellschaft der Margins Group) zusammen, um die erste landesweite sofortige Ausgabe in Westafrika zu liefern

Entrust Datacard, ein führender Anbieter von vertrauenswürdigen Identitäts- und sicheren Transaktionstechnologie-Lösungen, gibt heute bekannt, dass seine Technologie von der Regierung von Ghana verwendet werden wird – über eine Partnerschaft mit Identity Management Systems (IMS), eine Tochtergesellschaft der Margins Group –, um nationale Identitätskarten sofort an ghanaische Bürger auszugeben.

Weiterlesen: Regierung von Ghana beginnt Ausgabe sofortiger elektronischer ID mit Entrust Datacard

The Ghana digital ID program has started delivering multi-application credentials to citizens, the start of an ambitious effort that officials say will result in the issuance of cards to some 16 million citizens within a year. Eventually, Ghana’s ID card could outpace similar ones in Europe in terms of how people can use them, according to Cryptovision, a vendor involved with the project.

The first GhanaCard was recently issued to the Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo. It offers identity verification and “will enable strong two-factor authentication as a password replacement for e-government services online and will be used for the digital signature of electronic documents,” Germany-based Cryptovision says.

Weiterlesen: Ghana digital ID card secures gov services, payments to come

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has said his government intends to establish a National Cyber Security Centre, to liaise with relevant state agencies and the private sector to oversee cyber security operations at the national level.

According to the President, the national identification system, the digital addressing system, e-payments, digital financial services as well as the various e-government initiatives being initiated by the government, could be adversely affected by cyber crime, hence the need for such a centre.

Weiterlesen: Ghana To Establish Top Of The World Cyber Security Centre

The Ghana Community Network Services Limited (GCNet) has indicated its willingness to continue to work with government to implement initiatives that will transform the country from a passive technology consumer to one of innovations.

The Executive Chairman of GCNet, Dr. Nortey Omaboe, who made the call, said the technology landscape was experiencing rapid transformation, which required the collaboration between governments and private sector technology experts to keep pace with the transformation.

Weiterlesen: Ghana needs to transform into a nation of innovators – Dr Omaboe

The Public Procurement Authority (PPA) has described as total falsehood reports that it is spending $97million on an electronic government procurement system (e-GP).

Rather, it said the World Bank- sponsored program which cost $5 million was part of a larger project that cost $ 97million.

The $5 million is going into the engagement of an application service provider, sensitization and training, roll-out expenses and other service costs.

Weiterlesen: GH: PPA denies spending $97million on e-Government Procurement

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