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Insgesamt 39466550

Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

One has often wondered why Ghana has not made our relationship with Estonia - such as it is - a top foreign policy objective. Estonia, after all, is a global leader in e-governance - and our country can gain a lot from collaborating with its enlightened leadership, in the quest to digitised our system.

In the drive to enable Ghana grow and expand its e-governance ecosystem, the possibility of our country being ripped off by commercial partnerships formed between the high-level rent-seeking cabals in our system, and the unethical executives of foreign tech companies, should never be discounted. A classic example is the U. S.$72 millions spent on what eventually turned out to be useless software for the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).

Weiterlesen: Should Ghana Collaborate With Estonia To Speed Up Our E-Governance Initiative In Cost-Effective...

The Ghanaian government has selected private firm Lebara Ghana Ltd. to manage and commercialise its e-Government infrastructure, including government fibre and LTE network for a period of ten years.

Lebara has been tasked to ensure accountability and compliance with service quality requirements as contained in the SLA entered into with the communications ministry.

Weiterlesen: Ghana strikes deal with private firm to handle government's ICT

The Minister for Communications has handed over the e-government infrastructure to Lebara Ghana Ltd to manage and commercialise for ten years.

The government fibre and LTE network was previously managed by the National Information Technology Agency (NITA).

Weiterlesen: Lebara Ghana takes over management of e-gov't infrastructure

The Minister of Communications, Mrs Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, has handed over the e-Government Infrastructure to Lebara Ghana to manage and commercialise for 10 years.

The government fibre and LTE network was previously managed by the National Information Technology Agency (NITA).

Weiterlesen: Ghanaian Company Takes Over Management of E-Government Infrastructure

The Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has launched an electronic procurement system estimated to save the country $100million annually through the prevention of corruption and inefficiencies in public procurement.

The $5million Ghana Electronic Procurement System (GNEPS), the first of its kind in West Africa, is part of an e-transform Ghana project being executed with a $97 million World Bank credit provided in 2014.

Weiterlesen: GH: Veep Launches U.S.$ 5Million E-Procurement System. to Prevent Corruption, Inefficiency in...

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