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Sonntag, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

OM: Oman

  • OM: Courts to get e-systems

    Assigned by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah al Hinai, Justice Minister and Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council, presided over the meeting of the Supreme Judicial Council at his office yesterday. The council expressed thanks and gratitude for the important achievements made by the judicial sector under the wise leadership of His Majesty. The council affirmed that His Majesty’s mention about the justice in the Royal speech at the opening of the Council of Oman is a continuation of the long path of care and support for the sector.

    During the meeting, the council affirmed that the coming year will see the launch of the work at the Supreme Judicial Council’s headquarters and the building of the Supreme Court. It will also witness expansion of courts, conducting reviews for some legislations that will contribute to more flexibility in the litigation procedures. The application of the e-systems at the courts will be a milestone and an important pioneering step towards e-government. The council reviewed the major achievements made during the past year including the opening of the Supreme Judicial Institute which will meet the needs of the justice sector in terms of judges, lawyers, secretaries, notaries public and other legal experts.

  • OM: Deal inked for new e-visa system

    The Royal Oman Police (ROP) on Sunday signed an agreement to implement a new system to issue electronic visas.

    The project will provide an efficient system for businessmen, visitors and tourists, and simplify procedures for issuance of visas and residence permits to foreigners. It will ensure easier entry and exit through check points and help sharing of information with respective departments.

  • OM: Defence Ministry’s ‘Sahab Project’ portal launched

    The Ministry of Defence and the Sultan’s Armed Forces (SAF) celebrated on Wednesday the launch of the portal of the Ministry of Defence, Sahab Project.

    The portal is aimed to help in providing many electronic services to its personnel. It will also be available to the civil society of citizens, residents, visitors, interested persons, as well as government and private institutions, through the Internet.

  • OM: Design of Salalah Smart City project gets underway

    A consortium of international consultants has announced the launch of work on a detailed masterplan and design of the Salalah Smart City project on behalf of the Omani Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning.

    Leading the consortium is leading multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy firm F&M Middle East, which has tied up with international architecture and design firm Sasaki (for the master-planning components), mobility planning and infrastructure design firm MIC-HUB (for mobility aspects), and UK-based multidisciplinary engineering firm Cundall (for infrastructure and environmental elements).

  • OM: Digital transformation

    Oman ranks 48th out of a total of 134 countries in the Networked Readiness Index

    The second edition of the Digital Indicators Report issued by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology stated that the Sultanate of Oman has made strides in laying the foundations of digital society and preparing the telecommunications and information technology sector to be modern and feasible for various economic and social aspects as well as responsive to the requirements of sustainable development.

    This is obvious by establishing many projects, which contributed to building a digital infrastructure that enabled all individuals and sectors to access various services.

  • OM: Dohofar forays into e-government

    The Dhofar Governorate is all set to launch e-government services, as German company ICON-INSTITUT lays out a framework to make all the stakeholders understand the value and effectiveness of this form of governance. This will be backed by familiarisation courses for relevant parties with the first round of workshops starting yesterday at the Crowne Plaza Salalah Resort. 85 participants attended the course, drawn from various government departments including consultants, regional directors, walis and representatives from the Information Technology Authority (ITA).

    Mohammed Saidan, Head of Network Section at the Office of the Dhofar Governor and Minister’s Office, termed this to be an e-focus effort by the government to get the different departments functioning within an electronic framework that should make for more transparent and focused government services and facilities to people in the area. “One way or the other, everyone is connected electronically. Some kind of training will pave the way for greater e-government services,” he said. Saidan, however, admitted that this was not as easy task, due to many complexities, most important of all, data security. “The government functionaries have to go (through) rigorous training to understand the process and then they will be in a position to deliver the services to the people.”

  • OM: E-system for job recruitment

    The technical advisory agreement of the General Authority of Manpower Register that was signed by the ITA with PriceWaterhouseCoopers aims to document and assess the current procedures in the authority, suggest new future plans to enhance the procedures, provide a comprehensive review of the basic infrastructure of the programmes and devices and prepare a technical future infrastructure in accordance with the national strategy of Oman Digital Community and e-Government.

    The project mainly seeks to establish a comprehensive electronic system to manage the works of the national manpower and to meet the needs of the market in an easy technical way in co-operation with the different institutions. It is worth mentioning that the General Authority of Manpower Register was established by the Royal Decree No 98/2011 to issue a clear database of national manpower and to reinforce the planning of developing the human resources.

  • OM: e-tender for Muscat Municipality projects launched

    Companies wishing to submit tenders for projects announced by Muscat Municipality can now access online, instead of going to their offices to do so.

    Called Isnad (Arabic for ‘support’), the e-tendering system has been launched in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology and the Tender Board, and is expected to provide multiple benefits in terms of facilitating and simplifying tendering.

  • OM: eGovernment Award registration to start on August

    Aiming to provide a good opportunity for the private sector organizations to join the competition in the Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in eGovernment, the Award committee decided to postpone the registration stage to August 2014.

    The government sector entities will compete in 9 categories, whereas the private sector's big organizations will compete in two categories, namely: Best Public Mobile eService and Best Public eService. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are to compete, for the first time, in two categories: Best eSolution and Public Mobile E-Service.

  • OM: eGovernment on the move

    36 government institutions made their way to Comex 2014 with several new technologies, Mobile apps and eServices, to boost the eGovernment Transformation Plan ahead. The government pavilion is receiving a lot of presence and interaction from the visitors. Several government institutions have signed agreements with either the Information Technology Authority (ITA) or some international institutions participating in COMEX 2014. It's an excellent opportunity for companies and individuals to communicate directly with the representatives of those institutions to learn about the latest ICT related ventures, projects and initiatives.

  • OM: eGovernment plan launched

    The eGovernment Transformation Plan, which aims to boost government e-services and encourage their use by people and businesses, was launched at a symposium organised by the Information Technology Authority (ITA) on Sunday.

    The event was held under the patronage of HE Sheikh Al Fadhl Bin Mohammed Al Harthy, Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers and Dr Salim Sultan Al Ruzaiqi, CEO of ITA, in the presence of ministers, their excellencies and other government officials from IT departments.

  • OM: eGovernment road map reviewed

    Unified procurement of hardware and software for implementation of the eGovernment strategy guidelines was among the issues discussed at a regional meeting, here on Sunday.

    Hosted by the Sultanate represented in the Information Technology Authority (ITA), the 20th meeting of the GCC eGovernment Executive Committee, began yesterday.

  • OM: eGovt Transformation Plan moves ahead

    The eGovernment Transformation Plan is progressing as planned, says Sultan al Wadhahi, Senior Executive, eGovernment Services, Information Technology Authority (ITA). The eGovernment Transformation Strategy was approved by the Ministerial Cabinet on June 12 last year. Clear instructions and targets have been given to all government agencies to improve the quality of the eServices provided to the public, Al Wadhahi told the Observer in an exclusive interview. Subsequently, the eGovernment Transformation Plan was formally launched last year on October 22. To assist in this process, the ITA rolled out six stages of the eTransformation Plan. Since then ITA has held more than 10 workshops and seminars for the 82 entities, which are part of the Oman portal.

  • OM: ePost set to revolutionise mail

    Comex 2012, which ended here yesterday, gathered 30 governmental entities characterised by their eServices for the community and individuals. One such eService, a new addition to this year's exhibition, witnessed the launching of a new mail posting means provided by Oman Post. Called ePost, it is an innovative, convenient and secure mail system, where everyone can get a virtual ID and receive all his/her mails online.

    Digital or printed mail can be received or redirected, whenever or wherever, without fear of losing mail. 2,000 subscriptions, mostly Omanis, were made on the first day of the exhibition which indicates the Omani society's awareness of technology. Susan Moores, Media & Communication Specialist at ITA, says, “the most interesting benefits of it are the FollowMe service, where you can get your mail forwarded or sent to wherever you move. Your ePost ID is for life.

  • OM: Focus on e-services for students

    A workshop on linking system of the private higher education institutions with the Ministry themed “Higher Education Partners,” was held at the Higher Education Ministry yesterday. The system is designed to be a focal point between the Higher Education Ministry and the private education institutions and the student.

    The idea of the system focused on finding database for all students at the private higher education institutions to be linked by a website that includes a number of e-services of which the student can implement and to be dealt with by the institution and the Ministry with the possibility of setting up a tracking system for the student’s transaction by a phone as the student can receive a notification regarding his/her transaction.

  • OM: Framework to regulate smart cities this year: TRA

    The regulatory framework for smart cities is likely to be ready by the end of this year, according to a top official. Speaking to the Observer recently, Omar al Ismaili, CEO of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), said, "There is no limit on how this concept of smart cities will evolve. It is based on guidelines, including that from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the ISO standard. There is a national effort regarding the smart city and this is a good example of a collaborative regulation." It has been prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MoUHP) and the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology (MoTCIT).

    Oman Vision 2040 identifies smart cities as a strategic national initiative that acts as a source of economic growth, creating jobs and a tool to diversify the economy.

  • OM: Global recognition for e-Gov

    Oman’s rapid progress in the use of information communication technology is confirmed by the United Nations biannual e-Government Survey 2012. Oman is ranked 16th in the world on the UN e-Participation Index. The e-Participation index is indicative on how governments develop an environment in which citizens can be more active and supportive of their governments.

    There is also good improvement in terms of online citizen and business services indices, which show that the Omani Government and the Information Technology Authority (ITA) policies are yielding results. The ranking for e-Services this year is at 35 compared to its position of 55 in the 2010 Report.

  • OM: Govt focuses on extending telecom services in rural areas

    Oman government has attached a special emphasis on extending telecommunication services to people living in remote areas.

    The regulatory authorities have made it mandatory for telecommunication service providers to offer telecommunication service through wireless local loops (WLLs) in less populated remote areas.

    Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel) offers telecommunication service to 20,000 people living in different interior places spread across the country.

    “We are in greater need than ever before for providing the remotest areas in the Sultanate with premium mobile phone and internet services, in addition to eliminating digital illiteracy so as to enable all individuals of the society to acquire electronic services and benefit from the better services offered in such fields as health care, education, as well as means of obtaining information and knowledge,” said Salim Al Ruzaiki, chief executive officer of Information Technology Authority (ITA). He was addressing a function to mark the World Telecommunication and Information Society day here.

  • OM: Higher Education Ministry’s documentation system okayed

    Dr. Rawiyah bint Saud Al Busaidiyah, the higher education minister, on Tuesday cleared the regulations and procedures for management system of special documents at the ministry. The minister announced her decision in the presence of Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed Al Dhoyani, chairman of the National Records and Archive Authority (NRAA).

    In a statement, Dr. Rawiyah said that approving the management system of special documents at the Higher Education Ministry is an important step to find e-system for documents and archives at the level of the Sultanate.

  • OM: HM e-governance excellence awards to include SMEs

    Oman’s drive to ensure that most services come on the e-platform will see the fourth edition of the Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in eGovernment have small and medium enterprises too vie for recognition.

    Building on the 2012 edition’s success, the Information Technology Authority has said that this year, besides government and private sectors, SMEs too can participate with their innovate projects and e-services.

    The number of awards this time would be in 12 categories – nine for the government sector, two for big companies in the private sector and one for SMEs, ITA chief executive officer Dr Salim Sultan Al Ruzaiqi said.

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