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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is set to make its free wifi service more widely available across the country.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said that the government-initiated ICT Free wifi service has been implemented to enable more Thais nationwide to make use of the Internet, narrow the gap between those who have and do not have such access and further improve the distance learning project for people in remote areas.

Read more: TH: ICT to make free wifi service available at 200,000 more spots nationwide

The Information and Communications Technology Ministry will expand its free Wi-Fi project to 100,000 access points countrywide by the end of this month, ICT Minister Anudith Nakornthap said yesterday.

He said in the government's weekly TV programme "Yingluck Government Meets the People" that 10,000 access points had been made available across the nation already.

Up to 250,000 access points will be available by the first or second quarter of next year. The speed at each point was around 2 megabits per second, Anudith added.

Read more: TH: 100,000 free net access points by end of month

The Comptroller General’s Department (CGD) in Thailand has recently implemented a new government electronic transaction system to provide better and faster financial service to local administrations countrywide.

Complaints were received over delays in revenue allocation from the central government to local administrations, and the government could not trace the cause of the delay because of the number of agencies involved in and the complexity of the transaction process.

Read more: Thailand revamps intra-governmental e-transaction system

Thailand’s Ministry of Transport (MOT) decided yesterday to adopt Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to reduce speeding violations and enhance traffic safety.

The RFID system will transmit signals from speed cameras to the control rooms of the Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT). This information about speeding vehicles will then be transferred and forwarded automatically to Highway Police’s command and control centre for stopping speeding vehicles promptly, said Sorasak Saensombat, Deputy Permanent Secretary of MOT.

The MOT expects to finish the RFID installation by end of this year.

Read more: Thailand to apply RFID in traffic control

Software Park Thailand collaborated with local cloud-service providers last week to establish “Cloud thailand Alliance (CTA)”, aimed at encouraging local software companies and developer to innovate software and applications for cloud platform.

“This is to promote cloud awareness and encourage local developers to provide more software as a service (SaaS) on cloud. Currently, thai software companies don’t seem to be aware of the importance of being on cloud platform, so there are only a few thai software available under SaaS model,” said Software Park’s Director Dr Thanachart Numnonda.

Read more: Thailand establishes Cloud Alliance

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