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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A Thai citizen identification data centre will soon be in service, reducing costs, speeding processing times and simplifying the transfer of information.

Under an agreement signed recently between the Provincial Administration Department and the Electronic Government Agency (EGA) of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry, state agencies requiring Thai citizen identification information will be able to access the relevant data through the centre.

The centre will eliminate the duplicate connections and redundant systems now needed to handle the processing of documents between state agencies. A cost savings of 500 million baht yearly is expected.

ICT Minister Anudith Nakornthap said the collaboration between two agencies will improve the government's database efficiency and reduce the cost of connections.

Under the agreement, the ICT Ministry will install a high-speed connection to the department's computer system and provide connection services to other government agencies through the Government Information Network, a government agency intranet. This will help reduce the number of connections directly between agencies.

EGA director Sak Segkhoonthod said it received a budget of 1 billion baht to upgrade the connection efficiency of 2,000 government agencies.

It will use 30 million baht to increase computer security.

"By 2013, we plan to see 30 agencies linking with this model and 1,000 state agencies in three years," said Mr Sak.

Sukij Charoenrattanakul, director-general of the Provincial Administration Department, said 103 government agencies use the Thai citizen database and over 100 million database requests are made yearly.

The top three users are the Royal Thai Police (24 million transactions), the Land Transport Department (14 million) and the Revenue Department (13 million).


Quelle/Source: Bangkok Post, 16.06.2012

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