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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The government is urgently addressing 10 areas that need to be improved to make it easier to do business in Thailand, in a bid to make the country one of the top 30 business-friendly destinations next year.

State agencies must improve the 10 areas seen as stumbling blocks to doing business, before reporting their progress to a special committee in January, said Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak.

Read more: TH: State urged to go business-friendly

The government of Thailand wants two telecoms operators, TOT and CAT Telecom, to upgrade their data centres as part of a national data centre project.

TOT and CAT would be given the responsibility of storing sensitive and important data for state agencies, according to Sak Segkhoonthod, president and CEO of Thailand’s Electronic Government Agency (EGA).

Read more: Thailand tells telcos to upgrade data centres for e-government strategy

TreconWeb wins “best innovation” cup for chronic kidney disease data-analysis tool; Chula’s ViaBus app takes ‘Best Idea’ cup for transportation app

Mobile-application development teams TreconWeb and ViaBus recently emerged as the winners in the best government app of the year competition, receiving HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn-donated cups in the "Mobile Enterprise d-Government Award 2015 (MEGA 2015)" contest.

Read more: TH: Smart health, public bus mobile app teams land top awards in MEGA 2015

Strategy expected to lead to a transformed country that maximises use of digital tech in all socio-economic activities

The Information and Communications Technology Ministry has come up with a four-phase digital landscape covering the next 20 years with a view to developing the country into a fully digital Thailand, in line with the government's overall Thailand 4.0 goal.

Read more: ICT Ministry creates landscape for the development of digital Thailand

Thailand’s ICT Minister, Dr Uttama Savanayana, gives details on partnership.

The governments of Thailand and Singapore will partner to share experience on digital government, cyber security and start-up ecosystem, it was announced today.

Thailand’s Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Dr Uttama Savanayana, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Singapore’s Minister for Communications and Information.

Read more: Thailand, Singapore partner on digital government

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