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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Myanmar is planning to carry out reform in information and communication technology (ICT) starting first in Yangon region, official media reported Sunday.

IT experts have been invited by the Ministry of Communication, Post and Telegraph U Thein Tun to give advice for the reform move, said the New Light of Myanmar.

U Thein Tun told a workshop on ICT development Saturday that Myanmar is lagging behind in the ICT development compared with neighboring countries and called for hard work in the sector to catch up with other member nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Read more: Myanmar to carry out ICT reform

Myanmar will implement the action plan of its ICT mater plan 2011-15, aimed at developing the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, local media reported Sunday.

The 2011-15 ICT master plan, jointly drawn up by experts of Myanmar and S. Korea, covers five main areas -- ICT infrastructure, ICT industry, ICT human resources development, e-education and ICT legal frame work, said the Flower News.

Read more: Myanmar to implement ICT master plan 2011-15

Myanmar Police Force has formed an information technology (IT) unit to combat probable cyber crime in the future along with the development of IT in the country and increased use of internet, the local Flower News quoted an anti-transnational crime official as reporting Monday.

Despite not much major cyber crime occurring in the country, the police force formed the IT unit in preparation for fight against such probability, the official said, calling on people, especially commercially-operating cyber cafes, to cooperate with the police to expose such crime by systematically registering internet users' contents without simple ignorance.

Read more: Myanmar commits to combat cyber crime

Myanmar software companies are striving for introducing e-government system at all ministry offices and so far the implementation of such system has been in progress with 9 ministries out of the total 32, sources with the Myanmar Computer Association said on Monday.

These ministries are those of commerce, agriculture and irrigation, labor, home affairs, culture, transport, industry, electric power and communications, posts and telegraphs, reports Xinhua news agency.

Read more: Myanmar Eyes Introducing E-Gov't System At All Ministry Offices

A cyber city project called Yadanabon in northern part of Myanmar, one of the country's infrastructures for ambitious development of information and communications technology (ICT), is in progress with its early phase under rapid implementation, local reports reaching here said.

Jungle areas have been cleared and upgraded with communication- and transport-related infrastructures being corner-stoned.

Read more: Myanmar Yadanabon cyber city project in progress

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