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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Labour, Immigration and Population department has already digitised information of some 1.3 million citizens as part of the government’s modernisation process, Labour Minister U Thein Swe said.

U Thein Swe said the government will soon use digitised data in replacing the paper-based national registration cards (NRCs) with smart cards.

Read more: MM: Govt begins digitising personal information for ID cards

The Mandalay regional government has launched a data centre as part of its efforts to implement an e-government system.

“With this system, people will be able to observe the government’s performance and access government services more easily and quickly,” said Mandalay Chief Minister U Zaw Myint Maung during the launch of the centre last Thursday.

Read more: MM: Mandalay moves closer to e-government with data centre

The government will use a US$93.8 million (K147.3 billion) loan from South Korea to construct a data centre to support e-government processes.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications gave a presentation to seek approval for the loan at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (bicameral legislature) on Monday.

Read more: MM: South Korean loan to help fund e-government data centre project

The Mandalay government will use modern technology to ensure the safety of the public and to improve law enforcement, a senior regional official said.

U Zarni Aung, regional minister for Electrical Power and Construction, said a combined team of the Mandalay City Development Committee (MCDC), the police and other agencies has been formed to start the process.

Read more: MM: New technology to make Mandalay ‘a safe city’

Myanmar’s last royal capital, Mandalay, was recently ranked by CIO Asia as number fifth among the top 10 cities in Southeast Asia in the process of becoming “smart cities,” a ranking which is based on information from The ASEAN Post, The Economist Intelligence Unit,a the network’s own project profiles and Govlnsider.

Mandalay City Development Committee (MDCD) has drawn up a 30-year urban development plan with a vision to improve the water supply system, wastewater treatment and solid waste management using smart technology. Sensors have been installed on the streets of Mandalay to monitor and control traffic in real time and to monitor the condition of pipelines and water meters as well as a new electronic toll-payment system. The efforts show Mandalay has strong potential to achieve its goal of becoming a “smart city” along with more than 20 other contending ASEAN cities.

Read more: Making Myanmar’s Last Royal Capital an ASEAN ‘Smart City’

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