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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Bank Avrasiya OJSC and the non-bank credit organization Molbulak started issuing electronic certificates via the “Electronic Government” portal (, the Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan told Trend Jan. 26.

Citizens will be able to write down personal information, after registering on the portal, and send it to the bank. The electronic certificate will have legal force, which will simplify the procedure for the bank to issue documents for the issuance of loans.

Read more: More financial organizations connect to Azerbaijan's electronic gov't portal

Internet technologies are developing with great speed in the world and this is also observed in today’s Azerbaijan. The number of websites, both of business and non-profit purposes, is increasing in the country.

As many as 28,986 Internet resources are registered in the national domain zone “.az”, the WHOIS resource informs. By the end of 2017, the growth in the number of registered Internet resources in the “.az” domain zone amounted to 18 percent.

Read more: Azerbaijani domain zone grows by 18 percent

Presentation of a system of integration of e-signature certificates into new IDs will be held within the framework of the 23rd Azerbaijan International Telecommunications and Information Technologies Exhibition and Conference Bakutel 2017, the country's Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Valizade said.

He made the remarks Dec. 4 in Baku at a press conference dedicated to the opening of the Bakutel 2017 Exhibition.

Read more: AZ: System of e-signature certificates' integration into new IDs to be presented in Baku

Launch of first telecommunication satellite into orbit in 2013 is one of Azerbaijan’s technical achievements during its independency. Now, we’re preparing for launch of the next satellite, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said in his letter to the participants of the Bakutel 2017, the 23rd Azerbaijan International Telecommunications and Information Technologies Exhibition and Conference.

Read more: President: Azerbaijan preparing for launch of next telecommunication satellite

E-Government and e-Participation for sustainable development in Azerbaijan’s districts was the main topic of a training course organised in the city of Ganja by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan and Regional Development Public Union.

The course brought together over 70 participants from the government agencies, businesses and civil society from Ganja and surrounding districts, as well as international and local experts. They discussed the access of citizens to public services, employment opportunities, best practices in strengthening ICT capacity of civil servants in the regions, e-signature and e-document.

Read more: UNDP supports development of e-Government and e-Participation opportunities in Azerbaijan

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