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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The establishment of a modern innovation space is one of the priority areas in Azerbaijan, Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rovshan Rustamov said in an interview with Russian media, Trend reports.

According to him, this is reflected in the strategic document "Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development", approved by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in February 2021.

Read more: Azerbaijan aims to create modern innovation space - deputy minister

The Turkish ASELSAN company wants to join the "Smart City" concept in Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region, which was announced by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev after the second Karabakh war and make contribution, head of the board and director general of the company Haluk Gorgun said in an interview with Azerbaijan’s Xalq newspaper, Trend reports on Dec. 29.

Gorgun said that ASELSAN develops and designs the programs based on network and data that can be used in city management in all spheres, beginning from transport and healthcare and ending with payment systems.

Read more: AZ: Turkish ASELSAN wants to join "Smart City" concept in Azerbaijan’s Karabakh

Azerbaijan and the European Union have reached an agreement on the joint implementation of digital transformation and human capital development projects in Azerbaijan, Trend reports with reference to the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of Azerbaijan.

According to the information, the agreement was reached at a meeting of Minister of Digital Development and Transport Rashad Nabiyev with representatives of the Directorate-General for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations during their visit to Baku.

Read more: Azerbaijan, EU to work on digital transformation projects

The first "smart village" in Azerbaijan's Karabakh region almost ready, Azerbaijani Minister of Agriculture Inam Karimov said at the scientific-practical conference entitled "Karabakh: New Panorama of South Caucasus Opening to the World", Trend reports on Dec. 24.

The minister stressed that the creation of the Araz Valley industrial park and the Aghdam industrial park in the region will have a great impact on development of agriculture.

Read more: First 'smart village' in Azerbaijan's Karabakh almost complete - minister

A delegation led by Governor of Oklahoma Kevin Stitt visited the Zangilan district liberated from the Armenian occupation.

During the trip, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, the members of the delegation reviewed the work carried out within the "smart village" project.

The "smart village" project was presented for the US delegation, which visited the construction site in Birinji Agaly village. The pilot project covers three villages of the Zangilan district.

Read more: Oklahoma governor views work within "smart village" project in Azerbaijan’s Zangilan

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