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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Director of the government’s Office for Information Technologies and Electronic Administration, Mihailo Jovanovic announced at the Kopaonik Business Forum tonight that electronic identification via mobile phones will be available probably as of summer this year.

“This year, we are definitely going to launch electronic identification that will facilitate dual-route communication for citizens and businesses on the e-government portals,” Jovanovic told Tanjug.

Read more: RS: E-identification via mobile phones to be launched by summer

72.9 per cent of households have an internet connection, which is 4 per cent more than last year, while almost every company in the country uses computers in its work – it was noted at the Informatics Day conference in Serbia.

18th November is celebrated in Serbia in honour of CER10, the first Serbian digital computer produced at the Mihajlo Pupin Institute in the 1960s.

Read more: 72.9% of households in Serbia have Internet

The government on Thursday adopted an eGovernment bill that should enable simpler, more transparent and more efficient operation of electronic public services.

One of the key goals of the bill is to facilitate electronic communication between citizens, legal persons and NGOs with administrative authorities, the government press office said in a statement, Tanjug reported.

Read more: RS: Bill on eGovernment adopted

Milan Šolaja, CEO, Vojvodina ICT Cluster (VOICT), writes in the forward of the report ICT in Serbia – At a Glance 2018: “You journalists should pay more attention to what is going on. Everyone is writing about the Serbian export of raspberries as a huge national success, and nobody knows that we export more software than raspberries.” Mr Šolaja said this to a journalist at the DanubeIT Conference in Novi Sad early in 2011.

The ICT sector in Serbia is constantly growing and has recently seen double digit growth, and in 2017 Serbia’s ICT exports reached 900 million euros (21.5 per cent more than in 2016). The reason for Serbia’s success in the ICT sector has to do with a strong push from the government as well as various initiatives by private companies and non-profit organisations.

Read more: Serbia’s growing ICT scene

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic opened today the first state-of-the-art Data Centre, which houses key information and communication infrastructure important for the efficient functioning of electronic administration and the development of new services for citizens and businesses.

In the premises of the Office for Information Technology and Electronic Administration, Brnabic pointed out that today is a very important day for eGovernment and for all citizens, because we will no longer have a situation in which each individual ministry, each agency, administration will have its own data centres in unsafe conditions, but everything will be able to run centrally.

Read more: RS: State Data Centre opened

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