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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Serbia has had the highest e-government development index in Europe over the past two years, the 2016 UN e-government survey has shown.

Tanjug reported this quoting a statement from the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government.

Based on the total development index, Serbia was 69th in 2014, however this year it ranks 39th on UN's global list, making a 30-place jump - the biggest in Europe, a statement said.

The survey also shows that Serbia is the leading country of the region in e-participation - inclusion of citizens in public debates, commenting on laws and decisions of government institutions online.

In the global list in this category, Serbia ranks 17th of 193 countries.

The Ministry's Director of the Directorate for e-Government Dusan Stojanovic said the most important evaluation of the survey is development of the e-service.


Quelle/Source: b92, 19.10.2016

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