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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Federal Government is set to begin ranking of individual states of the federation according to their level of development digitally.

The move, which is part of the recommendations of the National Broadband Plan Committee set up by the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, is aimed at encouraging each state government to show more commitment to broadband penetration in their respective states.

Read more: NG: Broadband: FG to begin states’ digital ranking

Commissioner for Health Lagos State, Prof. Akin Abayomi, and the Guest speaker at the Youth Consultation on Digital Health Technology programme, held in Ikeja, Lagos, Njideka Ngeli, have explored how to use digital technology to accelerate universal healthcare coverage.

Abayomi said: “This is opportunity to engage our digital entrepreneurs to help us in delivering healthcare to Nigerians especially at the primary healthcare level. We are tired of using old methods in information dissemination in healthcare system for instance, using files to keep information sometimes file got missing and it makes things very slow and we find it difficult to get useful information but this is time for us to digital.”

Read more: NG: How to use digital technology to accelerate universal healthcare coverage, by experts

The Director-General/CEO of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Mr. Kashifu Inuwa, has unfolded plans for the digital transformation of Nigerian government on his watch at the Federal IT regulatory agency.

Abdullahi, who hopes to leave a legacy of digital transformation on completion of his duty at NITDA, disclosed this in a tell-all interview that made the cover of the inaugural issue of eGovernance Nigeria Magazine, that debuts March 2020 from the stables of Technology Times Media Limited.

Read more: NG: NITDA unfolds FG’s digital transformation plan

The Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) has introduced its Online Assets Declaration System (OADS) for public servants.

It said the platform was created to ease the rigours involved in assets declaration by public servants and to avert corrupt practices in the public sectors.

This measure is in line with the review of the Bureau laws by the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2017 to 2021 to ensure that the anti-corruption drive of President Muhammadu Buhari’s campaign is sustained.

Read more: NG: CCB adopts online asset declaration system for public servants

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), has announced the digital transformation plan of the government for the nation’s Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector.

The newly appointed Director General and Chief Executive Officer of the agency, Mr. Kashifu Inuwa Abdullahi, disclosed the status of the plan in an interview in the inaugural issue of eGovernance Nigeria Magazine, from the stable of Technology Times Media Limited.

Read more: NITDA Unfolds Nigeria Digital Transformation Plan

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