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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

China's national e-government platform,, had 809 million registered users by the end of 2020, said a report released by the Party School of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Wednesday.

In a total of 30 provincial-level regions, the platform has incorporated government services down to the village level, said the report released by the e-government research center of the party school. It evaluated the integrated e-government performance of provincial-level regions and major cities.

Read more: China's e-government service reaches 809 million people

Qingpu district will promote development of digital economy in its newest round of upgrades to support Shanghai's international digital hub construction.

In the next five years, Qingpu will fully promote digital transformation in fields such as industrial development, daily life and urban management, authorities said.

In terms of industrial development, the digital economy has been made a top priority. Qingpu will build itself into a digital hub in the Yangtze River Delta region, and accelerate construction of a "digital artery" along the G50 expressway. A host of digital and information industry platforms and clusters, such as Beidou West Hongqiao Base, Shixi Software Information Park and Huawei Research and Development Center, have been built along this east-west expressway.

Read more: CN: Shanghai: Qingpu district to prioritize digital transformation and growth

  • The fourth Digital China Summit showcases the latest developments and applications of digital technologies including blockchain, 5G, AI and big data under the theme of “Stimulating new dynamics of data factors and embarking on a new journey for digital China.”
  • Tech giants such as Huawei, Alibaba and Tencent have brought to the summit their cutting-edge products, and participants are gathering here to pool wisdom on the improvement of e-governance and the construction of a smarter society.
  • China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) highlights the development of the digital economy by promoting its deep integration with the real economy and building digital industrial clusters with international competitiveness, which will spur high-quality growth.

Read more: China’s 14th Five-Year Plan is Digital Huawei, Alibaba and Tencent

Shanghai is speeding up digital transformation to improve people’s daily lives, with shorter hospital waiting time, smarter parking, bus routes with artificial intelligence and simplified digital services designed for elderly people.

With upgraded digital infrastructure such as 5G, cloud and AI, Shanghai is answering public concerns, bridging digital gaps and optimizing user experiences, city officials said.

Read more: CN: Shanghai pressing ahead in digital transformation

The fourth Digital China Summit kicked off on Sunday in Fuzhou, capital of east China's Fujian Province, exhibiting breakthroughs in the information sector and innovations in digital transformation.

Themed "stimulating new dynamics of data factors and embarking on a new journey for digital China," the summit aims to provide a platform for exchanges in digital technology and industry cooperation.

Read more: Summit on digital development opens in east China

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