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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Shanghai's northeast industrial bases in northern Baoshan District will become pilot zones for intelligent applications and the digital transformation of old industries.

The Nanda and Wusong areas, once the city's iron-steel bases, will be developed into the Nanda Future Smart City and Wusong Innovation City, the Baoshan government said on Thursday.

Read more: CN:; Western Yunnan: Baoshan to be pilot zone for smart digitalization

I refer to Avisekh Biswas’ letter (“Time for Hong Kong to go from ‘Asia’s world city’ to world’s smart city”, July 12) and concur with the stated remarks. The challenge with Hong Kong becoming a “smart city” is not with the private sector but the government’s intent of operating as if it is the 20th century.

Consider that numerous government departments still require the submission of paper forms and that such forms and associated documents must be “chopped”. This is all on the pretence that this makes the documents “official”.

Read more: CN: How can Hong Kong be a smart city when offices are stuck in the past?

In recent years, cities around the world have been focusing on transit-oriented development (TOD), which uses public transportation to complement diversified land use, such as commercial, residential, leisure, hotel and so on. By doing so, citizens are encouraged to choose public transportation when commuting to work, reduce dependence on private cars, and also support sustainable development. Hong Kong's urban planning often concentrates around MTR stations, it has achieved outstanding results. Hong Kong is ranked the third according to the TOD assessment of 14 cities in the world by the World Bank.

Is there any room for improvement? Previous studies mostly focused on MTR stations and the surrounding areas. The first runner-up of this year’s Esri Young Scholars Award, Cheng Chi Chiu, David from Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, the University of Hong Kong expanded the scope to review Hong Kong from a regional level. He looked for development opportunities that we might have missed.

Read more: CN: Hong Kong: Why digitalised spatial information is important for smart city

Shenzhen in Guangdong province has approved China's first local law on data management, as the nation continues stepping up efforts to protect personal information.

Details of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Data Regulations were published by the municipal people's congress on Tuesday. The legislation was passed on June 29 and will take effect on Jan 1.

"The regulations clearly define personal data processing activities and effectively strengthen personal data protection," said Liu Jiachen, head of the city's government services and data management bureau.

Read more: CN: Guangdong: Shenzhen passes first local law to protect personal data

Chinese entrants swept all five categories, featuring technologies to improve civic life. But the advances could also be tools for surveillance.

Four years ago, rganizers created the international AI City Challenge to spur the development of artificial intelligence for real-world scenarios like counting cars traveling through intersections or spotting accidents on freeways.

Read more: A Global Smart-City Competition Highlights China’s Rise in AI

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