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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The taxpayer will get poor value for money from the millions of pounds being invested in 'e-government' unless more people are told what it is and how it works, a watchdog will warn today.

Read more: USA: Tell taxpayers about e-government

Safety and convenience are just two reasons why the computer savvy generation might be excited about a new Web site that allows taxpayers to prepare and file their federal and state income tax online for free.

Read more: USA: Tax filing available for free via the Internet

The town of Rose Hill has applied for a partnership with the Local E-Government Utilization Project in hopes of getting the town better geared up for giving taxpayers and other inquiring minds information about the town.

Read more: USA: Rose Hill works towards getting more Internet accessible

The White House today unveiled its National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, detailing dozens of steps for industry and government to take to fend off and recover from assaults on the nation’s critical systems.

Read more: USA: Industry will work with government on cyberspace plan

Das Weiße Haus hat die endgültige Version der "National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace" verabschiedet. Das 76 Seiten umfassende Papier sieht vor, ein nationales Notfallzentrum für Internet-Sicherheit zu gründen.

Read more: US-Regierung verabschiedet Cybersecurity-Plan

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