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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

MY: Malaysia

  • Malaysia e-procurement system deals to hit US$4.6 billion

    The Finance Ministry expects its electronic procurement system called ePerolehan (eP) to record up to RM14 billion (US$ 4.6 billion) in transactions this year, said Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin.

    The eP has reached RM11.04 billion (US$ 3.6 billion) in the value of transactions last year, which exceeded the RM10 billion (US$3.3 billion) target, under the Key Results Area of the Finance Ministry, he added.

    The number of government agencies transacting through eP also increased from 2274 in 2009 to 2421 last year.

  • Malaysia embarks on transformative journey to improve data governance - Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo

    Malaysia has embarked on a transformative journey to improve data governance through revising the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and revisions to subsidiary regulations.

    Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo said prioritising cybersecurity aspect has become an immediate necessity due to the rapid technological advancements that contribute to cyber threats.

  • Malaysia enables rural residents to access online services

    The Malaysian Government is enabling rural residents to access e-government services as it launched a Community Broadband Centre (CBC) yesterday in Malaysia’s easternmost state, Sabah, to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural areas.

    Broadband penetration rate in Sabah is 55 per cent as of August 2013. Communications and Multimedia Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, said that providing ICT facilities to rural residents is a priority for the Government. He highlighted that this CBC is an important step towards closing the gap in internet connectivity so that residents are able to access government’s online services.

  • Malaysia expands e-procurement service

    The Government of Malaysia is expanding its flagship e-procurement system called e-Perolehan (eP) by opening more eP centres nationwide to improve efficiency and transparency in government spending.

    The e-Perolehan initiative is a project under the Multimedia Super Corridor initiative. The system transforms the manual procurement practice into an electronic, internet-based practice.

  • Malaysia Government prioritises e-government, e-learning and healthcare IT in 2020 vision

    Malaysia’s Performance Management and Delivery Unit under the Prime Minister’s Department has highlighted deeper use of IT in government, education and healthcare in its 2013 Annual Report of the Economic Transformation Programme.


    In 2014, it aims to have 80 per cent of government services online and encourage the use of online services such as the myGovernment Portal. In the long run, all public-facing government services will be migrated online with the goal of “zero face-to-face interactions” by 2020, stated the report.

  • Malaysia launches Big Data Lab, national analytics network

    Partnering with the private sector on key national initiative.

    Malaysia’s Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) has announced plans for a Big Data Analytics Digital Government Lab and two partnerships with private sector organisations to help achieve its vision of the country as a regional Big Data hub.

    The Digital Government Lab will be set up by the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), and MIMOS, the national ICT research agency.

  • Malaysia launches GIS-based dengue monitoring portal

    In a bid to improve efforts to control, monitor, and respond to a rising number of dengue cases in the country, the Ministry of Health launched a GIS-based web portal called I-Dengue, which aims to provide the public with the latest information on dengue hotspots and preventive measures on how citizens can avoid getting the& disease.

    Official reports cited the rising number of dengue cases from 10,352 with 19 deaths recorded from January to June, 2012 to 10,401 cases with 20 deaths in the same period, this year.

  • Malaysia launches National Cyber Crisis Management policy

    Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin launched, earlier this week, a national policy document that outlines Malaysia’s strategy for cyber crisis mitigation and response.

    The initiative comes as a response to growing cyber threats which could potentially dampen the government’s aspiration to drive Malaysia’s digital economy and be on par with advanced nations by 2020.

    Muhyiddin emphasised the need for Malaysia’s Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) organisations to be fully protected so as to prevent any untoward effects in the economy, social services and national security.

  • Malaysia launches new app to support safe travel for tourists in the country

    Tourism Malaysia today at a press conference announced the launch of My Tourist Assist (MyTA) mobile app to support safe travel for tourists in the country. The app was developed by UST Global and is managed by Jana Tiga Holdings Sdn Bhd, a company working with large Malaysian conglomerates.

    Malaysia enjoys hosting millions of tourists every year and is one of the most visited countries in the world. My Tourist Assist is an e-Government service under Tourism Malaysia. Tourism Malaysia recognizes the importance of safety for tourists in Malaysia, especially in the event of natural disasters in the region. The app is available for download on Google Play and App Store.

  • Malaysia laying right foundation for nation's long-term digital transformation, says Nokia

    Malaysia is laying the right foundation for the nation's long-term digital transformation, according to Finnish telecommunications, information technology, and consumer electronics company Nokia Corp.

    In a statement, Nokia head of South East Asia Daniel Jaeger said the National Digital Network (Jendela) initiative will be a critical component in narrowing the digital divide across the nation.

  • Malaysia looks to attract nearly 12 billion USD to digital economy

    Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) - the lead agency of digital transformation in Malaysia, has unveiled its five-year plan which sets a target of attracting 50 billion ringgit (about 11.84 billion USD) to the country’s digital economy.

    In a statement, MDEC said that the five-year initiative, which will run from 2021 to 2025, aims to ensure high quality digital investments as the Southeast Asian country seeks to unlock new drivers of growth in the digital economy.

  • Malaysia macht Open Source verpflichtend

    Wie das malaiische Blatt »The Star« berichtet, hat Malaysia seine Behörden verpflichtet, Open-Source-Software (OSS) den Vorzug gegenüber proprietären Programmen zu geben.

    Der »Masterplan«, offiziell »Malaysian Public Sector Open Source Software Masterplan« genannt, hatte sich bereits abgezeichnet. Daran konnte auch die pompöse Rundreise von Bill Gates durch Asien nichts ändern.

  • Malaysia moves to target broadband speeds

    A drive to bring Malaysia’s internet services up to speed is gathering pace; with information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure earmarked for an investment boost next year and longer-term solutions, which could include a fibre optic network roll-out, under discussion.

    Malaysia currently lags behind several of its peers when it comes to download speeds, while demand for faster broadband is set to rise significantly in the coming years.

  • Malaysia opens digital government lab for big data analytics

    Lab testing whether social media data can be used to gauge the public mood on tax, flooding.

    Malaysia today officially launched a government lab to analyse data from across agencies and to test new ways of using the data to improve public services.

    The Digital Government Lab will “facilitate various ministries and agencies to have a greater level of analytics of the collected data, in strict adherence to the government’s data security, integrity and sovereignty guidelines”, said Datuk Abdul Wahab Abdullah, Chief Executive of MIMOS, the country’s national ICT research agency.

  • Malaysia plans to introduce biometric system in elections

    Malaysia plans to introduce a biometric system to replace the age-old indelible ink applied on voters forefinger during elections.

    "We are still scrutinising the matter internally," said Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, an official of the country's Election Commission.

    He said the law will have to be amended if the use of ink were to be scrapped.

  • Malaysia plummets in global e-govt rankings

    A new global study on e-government sees Malaysia plunging from No 8 to No 83 in ranking.

    It was a far cry from the lofty positions it held in previous years, according to Providence, Rhode Island-based Brown University's fourth annual e-government survey released last week.

  • Malaysia pushes use of e-procurement system

    In a bid to make its army of suppliers take the plunge into the world of e-commerce, Malaysia’s Finance Ministry has made it compulsory for its 35,000 suppliers to be e-procurement-enabled.
  • Malaysia Ranks 11 In E-Government Implementation

    Malaysia's 11th ranking worldwide in the implementation of e-government should not make civil servants complacent, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said.

    He said although Malaysia's improved ranking from 25th in 2007 to 11th last year was good, countries like the Dominican Republic and Brazil had done better, coming in 9th and 10th respectively.

  • Malaysia ranks 41st for digital quality of life in 2020 — study

    Malaysia ranks 41st for digital quality of life in 2020 ahead of its neighbours Thailand which ranks 63rd and Indonesia in the 71st position.

    In the study covering 81% of the global population (6.3 billion people) released today by Cyprus-based Surfshark Ltd, Malaysia is among 13 countries in the Digital Quality of Life Index 2020 (DQL Index 2020) that exceed the expected digital quality of life by providing higher levels of electronic-infrastructure (e-infrastructure) and e-government than expected of their gross domestic product (GDP) levels.

  • Malaysia setzt verstärkt auf Open Source

    Behörden in Malaysia müssen bei Beschaffungen künftig Open-Source-Software bevorzugen. Das berichtet die malaysische Zeitung The Star unter Berufung auf den Malaysian Public Sector Open Source Software Masterplan, den die Regierung vergangene Woche veröffentlicht hat. Wo sich die Vor- und Nachteile von Open-Source- und proprietärer Software die Waage halten, sei Open Source zu bevorzugen. Durch diesen Schritt sollen unter anderem die Kosten für Software gesenkt und die Wahlfreiheit erhöht werden. Begleitet wurde die Anweisung durch die Gründung eines Open Source Competency Centre (OSCC).
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