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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) - the lead agency of digital transformation in Malaysia, has unveiled its five-year plan which sets a target of attracting 50 billion ringgit (about 11.84 billion USD) to the country’s digital economy.

In a statement, MDEC said that the five-year initiative, which will run from 2021 to 2025, aims to ensure high quality digital investments as the Southeast Asian country seeks to unlock new drivers of growth in the digital economy.

The plan also includes creating 50,000 high-value jobs by 2025, attracting 50 Fortune500 tech companies to expand their operation in Malaysia, and eyes the establishment of five “unicorns”.

MDEC said the investments will focus on five key industry sectors, five focus technologies, five emerging technologies and digital global business services.

It will also promote efforts to grow digital global business services, encourage the use of robotic process automation and data analytics as well as knowledge technology.


Quelle/Source: Vietnam+, 20.07.2021

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