Heute 1112

Gestern 1025

Insgesamt 39531534

Samstag, 14.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Dar es Salaam is projected to become a megacity by 2030, only ten years from now. The United Nations defines a megacity as a city which has a population of at least ten million people. Currently, there are 37 megacities in the world, including Shanghai, Tokyo, Lagos, Kinshasa, and Mumbai. Today, it is a necessity for a megacity to also be a smart-city. How is Dar es Salaam prepared to become mega-smart?

The typical high populations of megacities come with many challenges that require innovative solutions to everyday problems – and that is where technology comes in. There are different perspectives on the meaning of a smart city. Some are more technology centric and others are more human focused.

Weiterlesen: TZ: Will a Mega-Dar es Salaam also be a ‘Smart City’ come 2030?

As the 17th parliamentary sitting got underway yesterday, lawmakers were seen using tablets.

Reports from the office of the Clerk of the National Assembly, Mr Stephen Kigaigai, had it that the House decided to go high-tech as a means of reducing use of paper in its businesses. This explains why Members of Parliament were seen using tablets.

Weiterlesen: TZ: Let paperless parliament improve efficiency

Tanzania will now have an electronic government authority that will enhance efficiency of electronic government services to the public provided by the e-government agency.

Members of Parliament approved the e-Government Bill 2019 here on Wednesday to enact the authority which will coordinate, oversee and promote electronic government initiatives and enforce policies, regulations, laws, standards and guidelines related to public institutions.

Weiterlesen: TZ: E-Government Projected to Increase Service Efficiency

Finance and Planning Minister Philip Mpango has directed heads of public institutions, which are yet to join in the Tanzania National e-Procurement System (TANePS) to do so before December 31.

Dr Mpango warned that those institutions that will fail to join in the system will be forced to vacate their offices.

Weiterlesen: TZ: Minister issues ultimatum on e-procurement

Zanzibar President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein yesterday called on members of the Commonwealth to invest heavily in promoting the use and teaching of ICT in local communities in order to reap optimal benefits of introducing e-Parliament.

Dr Shein made the remarks when opening of the 50th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Africa Region conference taking place in the Isles.

Weiterlesen: TZ: Sansibar: Dr Shein urges ICT use to get e-Parliament benefits

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