Heute 1110

Gestern 1025

Insgesamt 39531532

Samstag, 14.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Tanzania, like the rest of Africa, is attempting to bridge the digital divide to create an information economy. And like many other African states, it is turning to open source to achieve this goal.

Speaking at the World Summit on the Information Society conference in Tunis, Tunisia yesterday, Mark J Mwandosya, Tanzania's minister for communications and transport, says that challenges developing nations face include “inadequate infrastructure, high cost to access ICT facilities and lack of relevant local content”.

Weiterlesen: Tanzanian government uses OSS for localisation

The East African Community (EAC) will host the region's first e-government workshop in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, between 17 and 19 November.

The workshop's theme is ‘e-government for regional economic prosperity' and is aimed at taking stock of the regional capacity in e-government. It will be co-hosted by the EAC Secretariat, the UN Economic Commission for Africa and AITEC Tanzania.

Weiterlesen: Tanzania to host e-government workshop

The Cabinet has officially endorsed establishment of electronic-government (e-government), as part of the ambition to turn the country into a hub of information and communication technology in Africa.

The Minister for Communications and Transport, Prof. Mark Mwandosya, made the initiative public last Friday before members of the Parliamentary Infrastructure Committee in Dar es Salaam.

Weiterlesen: Tanzania: Cabinet endorses e-government

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