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Mittwoch, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Four hospitals in Dar es Salaam and one in Coast Region will be connected by telemedicine technology in December, this year, in a move expected to enhance efficiency and reduce unnecessary transfers of patients.

The Principal of Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT), Prof John Kondoro, named the hospitals to be connected in the pilot project as Mwananyamala, Amana, Temeke and Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), (all in Dar es Salaam) and Tumbi Hospital in Coast Region.

Weiterlesen: TZ: Telemedicine Project to Benefit 5 Hospitals

Kagera Regional Commissioner (RC) Fabian Massawe, has urged residents in the region to utilise to the maximum information technology (IT), to hasten development.

He stressed the need to invest in science and technology, urging the residents to motivate more students to learn science subjects, including giving incentives to those students who excel in science subjects.

Weiterlesen: TZ: Kagera Asked to Embrace ICT As a Development Accelerator

“Education is the most powerful toll which you can use to change the world,” one of Africa’s eminent persons and South Africa’s first democratically elected President is quoted as saying.

Education experts and social scientists also support this by saying education is key to success because it empowers people to cope with the challenges of life with an informed mind.Camara, an International organization, is one of the organizations that has been using the saying to champion education transformation in various countries of the world through the use of technology.

Weiterlesen: Camara comes to Tanzania, aims to transform education through technology

Tanzania hopes that a new submarine cable, that began running in 2009, will continue to help boost the country’s telecom connectivity and increase potential for investment.

As a result of the underwater cable, costs with the ICT sector have been gradually reduced over the past three years. As a result, penetration has also begun to be increased in the East African country.

Weiterlesen: Submarine connectivity a boon for Tanzania

SEACOM has provided funding towards the development and piloting of a new Swahili and English language application for farmers in Tanzania. This falls in line with SEACOM's commitment towards fostering the use of ICT for economic development across Africa.

The mobile-based application is developed by Dar es Salaam-based application services provider Nuru Infocomm and empowers rural farmers by collecting market information and disseminating it to them in real time. Having access to up-to-date commodity prices across a number of major markets in Tanzania helps the farmers to secure the best possible prices for their produce.

Weiterlesen: SEACOM helps to fund app for Tanzanian farmers

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