Heute 575

Gestern 1381

Insgesamt 39536416

Mittwoch, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Tanzania is poised to become the first total e-government country in the entire East Africa region, the Permanent Secretary (PS) in the President’s Office for Public Service Management and Good Governance, Dr Laurean Ndumbaro has observed.

He said the e-government in government organisation has improved standard and quality in delivery of public services, adding that working through e-government in internally administration transactions, communications and interrelationships for easy information flow and transfer offers considerable opportunity to increase government capacity.

In a speech read on his behalf by the Director of Management Services, Mick Kiliba, the PS noted that the success of e-government in government organisations depend on well established ICT infrastructures for public servants to delivery public services at improved standards.

He called for harmonisation of ICT resources to foster industrial development in the country. “Harmonisation of ICT resources is vital as the country is poised to become the first in East Africa,” he said while addressing the 2nd e-Government annual meeting here yesterday.

The PS noted that e-government, which is an online gateway to all services offered by the government, has tremendously facilitated provision of services.

Under the theme, harmonisation of ICT resources towards industrial development, the four day meeting brings together key stakeholders in implementation of e-government to seek solutions for challenges facing the online gateway for all services offered by the government.

Dr Ndumbaro pointed out among the achievements of e-government as making great contribution in provision of services at affordable costs and that members of the public can get access to information on various services online anywhere in the country.

He said the e-government would help the government to trim down operating costs for services provided by the government, saying the e-portal would also facilitate availability of important information to members of the public.

E-government facilitates delivery of public services of relevant government information in electronic form to citizens in a timely manner and better service delivery to citizens.

E-government is a kind of governmental administration which is based on Information Communication and Technology services.

Electronic government describes the use of technologies to facilitate the operation of government and disperse of government information and services.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Polycarp Machira

Quelle/Source: IPPmedia, 01.02.2019

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