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Gestern 1025

Insgesamt 39531533

Samstag, 14.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The ongoing collection of biometric information in Zanzibar is soon to be concluded thanks to the use of modernized equipment the National Identification Authority.

NIDA Public Relations Officer Thomas William told The Guardian that the exercise is scheduled for six weeks and will be completed in time reaching both Zanzibar and Pemba Islands.

He explained that the equipment being used in Zanzibar is modern and has helped speed up the registration process as well as taking of fingerprints and photographs.

Weiterlesen: TZ: Modern equipment speeds up collection of biometrics in Isles

The government is doling out Sh17.5bn to help local mobile phone improve rural communication infrastructure.

Communication, Science and Technology Minister Professor Makame Mbarawa told journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday that the government had since contacted five mobile phone firms to develop rural communication infrastructure.

Profesor Mbawa said that the project was aimed at ensuring wider coverage of the mobile phone services in rural areas to allow Tanzanians in rural areas improve their means of production.

Weiterlesen: TZ: Govt pushes ICT use into rural areas

Appropriate and timely use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can drive the global push to address a range of food insecurities caused by preventable diseases.

In this special report, our reporter SYLVESTER DOMASA examines the power, potential and value of ICT in agricultural transformation in Tanzania reviewing a case study of cassava and maize diseases and pests…

The value of Information Communication Technology (ICT) to agricultural transformation in Tanzania best became evident when severe attacks by several biotic and abiotic dynamics including cassava and corn mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) hit the lake zone.

Weiterlesen: TZ: Power of ICT in transformation of agriculture

The government will in the coming financial year start the implementation of the ambitious National e-Health Strategy which targets to improve the quality of healthcare in the country.

Apart from improving the sector, the programme also targets to improve efficiency and reduction of current costs that are incurred in implementing health care programmes.

Weiterlesen: TZ: E-health plan seen cutting expenditure

With a year left for every eligible Tanzanian to get a national identity, Dar es Salaam region will complete the biometric stage on Sunday.

This is the stage of collecting finger prints and photographing individuals.

However, the National Identification Authority (NIDA) Information Officer, Agnes Gerald, told The Guardian yesterday that there are more stages before Dar residents are issued with the IDs.

Weiterlesen: TZ: NIDA: Dar to complete bio-data inputs Sunday

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