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Montag, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Civil Service Institute signed a memorandum of understanding with Data-Click Solutions Sdn Bhd for an e-learning system package in education and training to upgrade service providers.

The project is expected to encourage the use of ICT and enhance ICT literacy among civil servants.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: E-Learning System Package For Civil Servants

The Second Annual Asia-Pacific c-Gov Forum concluded yesterday with an overlying message that e-governance can lead to a more efficient bureaucratic system but is one that requires the cooperation of both its citizens as well as relevant authorities in ensuring its acceptability and applicability.

Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Electoral Reform, Public Enterprises and Anti-Corruption, Industry, Tourism, Trade and Communication under the government of Fiji was the first speaker of the day and presented his talk entitled "Transforming lives: Fiji's experience of e-Gov".

Weiterlesen: Brunei: E-Governance Reliant On Cooperative Efforts

Mobility and mobile devices are becoming increasingly important in e-Government with the fast growing trends of mobile e-Service.

This was said by Chief Executive of the Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry (ALTO Pg Hj Mohd Zain Pg Hj Abd Razak in his presentation titled "Mobile Connectivity - the appropriate pathway for e-Service delivery" during the Annual Asia-Pacific e-Government Conference at the Empire Hotel and Country Club yesterday.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: Mobile Accessibility Crucial To E-Government

Despite the varying levels of e-development, technology infrastructure is core to the success of e-governance initiative.

This was highlighted as the ministerial panel convened Monday for a discussion centering on 'How can the Asia-Pacific make the best use of e-governance technology?'

Weiterlesen: Brunei: Technology Infrastructure Core To E-Governance Success

E-Government is an essential and vital tool, not only for seeking information and interaction between government entities but also a useful vehicle in increasing the efficiency of delivering services through fast communication and efficient administration.

This was said by Dato Paduka Dr Hj Ismail Hj Duraman, Executive Director of the Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies (CSPS), during a course on Improving Public Services and Governance Systems via e-Government held at the Sheraton Hotel in the capital yesterday. "Living in the age of rapid technological change, we must be prepared to update ourselves not to get left behind, of course, the seminar is significant because we want to be part of this new system to improve public services," he said.

Weiterlesen: Brunei: E-Government Vital For Efficient Public Service

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