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Donnerstag, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

IT: Italien / Italy

  • Digital currency: Italy follows China’s lead

    The Italian Banking Association says its members are willing to pilot a new version of the euro

    Italy is joining China and other countries in embracing the concept of digital currency.

    The Italian Banking Association (ABI) saysits members are willing to pilot a digital version of the euro.

  • Italian lawmakers plan free Wi-Fi to bridge digital gap with Europe

    Italian lawmakers have put forward a proposal for free Wi-Fi in thousands of public places to bridge a gap with other European countries in broadband penetration, e-government and other digital services that is dragging on the economy.

    Under the plan, large shops, taxis, airports, law courts and other public places would have to set up an Internet connection and offer no-password wireless access free.

  • Italy’s route to innovation starts with smart cities

    Italy’s Digital Transformation is well underway as it strives to make its cities smarter. Telecommunications provider, TIM, which is based in the country, is contributing to this development. Supporting its plans is the European Investment Bank as it helps to advance urban regeneration, the redevelopment and energy efficiency of public buildings and the advancement of sustainable mobility in Florence.

    Smart cities lie at the heart of Italy’s digitisation process. The first Italy of smart and sustainable cities report, drawn up by the TIM Research Centre with the ‘Smart City’ and ‘Startup Intelligence’ Observatories of Politecnico di Milano and the CNR Department of Engineering, ICT and Technology for Energy and Transport, was recently presented in Rome.

  • Leading smart cities in Italy 2022

    A city oriented towards digital development that is sustainable, with a better quality of life and, above all, on a human scale. These are the characteristics of the 'Human Smart City' according to EY, which has drawn up an index to identify the cities in Italy that come closest to this model. These are the leading smart cities in Italy in 2022 according to EY.

    1. What is a smart city?
    2. Smart Cities in Italy
    3. North-South gap in smart cities

  • Saudi minister says maintaining pace of digital transformation key to human prosperity

    Government organizations in charge of innovation will need help to keep up with the pace of economic digital transformation, a Saudi minister said on Thursday.

    Speaking at the G20 Digital Economy Ministers’ Meeting 2021 in Trieste, Italy, Abdullah Al-Sawaha said “bridging the digital gap globally is the way to achieve the prosperity of societies.”

  • Bella Italia: Ganz Bologna geht kostenlos online

    Die Bürger der italienischen Stadt Bologna sind zu beneiden. Als eine der ersten Städte Europas bekommt die italienische Universitätsstadt ab dem kommenden Montag, 12. Juni, stadtweite kostenlose Internet-Zugänge über W-LAN.
  • Chinese and Italian academicians share views on smart cities

    Smart cities should of course have smart technologies, but it is essential new tech should be human-centered, according to Italian and Chinese participants at a recent forum hosted by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, with full support from elite Italian school Politcnico di Torino.

    "A modern city can be facilitated by many new technologies, but it needs to be aware of bigger issues such as climate change and data privacy," said Michele Geraci, a professor at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, and former undersecretary of State at the Italian Ministry Economic Development.

  • Costa startet das erste Telemedizin-Projekt an Bord des größten italienischen Passagierschiffes

    An Bord der Costa Concordia wird mit Frühjahr 2009 erstmals rund um die Uhr medizinische Vollversorgung auch auf hoher See gewährleistet.

    Europas erstes Projekt zur medizinischen Versorgung auf hoher See wurde vor kurzem auf einem Kongress zur Telemedizin in Rom präsentiert: Dabei wurde die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Europas führender Kreuzfahrtreederei Costa Kreuzfahrten, dem Telekommunikationsdienstleister TELESAL, dem in Genua ansässigen Galliera Krankenhaus, dem Bauunternehmen D´Appolonia und der C.I.R.M. (International Radio Medical Center) vorgestellt.

  • Doctor's Orders Get The Digital Treatment In Italy

    Healthcare has always been one of the most difficult markets for entrepreneurs to break into, but with major reforms changing the way that medical products and services are paid for, and a fresh appetite for investment in new technologies to improve efficiency, this could be prime time for medical start-ups.

    One of the biggest challenges for doctors is making sure their patients understand what is said to them during a consultation. In truth, the majority have forgotten most of it by the time they get home.

  • E-Gov still lags behind, only 24% of Italians used it in 2015

    Italy’s delay in the digitalization of the public administration is known, and improvements from year to year are slow in coming. This is the conclusion reached by major international bodies, from the EU Commission to the OECD and including the World Bank.

    Suffice it to say that in 2015 only 24% of Italians claimed to have had “interactions with the public administration in the last 12 months.” A far cry from the over 80% in Denmark and Estonia, but even from other big countries, such as France (63%), Germany (53%), Great Britain (49%) and from the EU average (46%). Only Bulgaria and Romania fare worse than the Italians.

  • E-Government in Italien

    Das E-Government-Projekt der Stadt Siena ist in Italien absoluter Vorreiter.
  • E-Government in Italy: Reality or Hope?

    A new law sets up an ambitious project to enhance interaction between people, public administration

    Andy is a 35-year-old Englishman from London who has traveled around the world. He has been to Thailand and Australia, just to name a few nations. Finally he made up his mind to settle down in northeastern Italy with his girlfriend, where they have opened a bed and breakfast. He hoped to enjoy a better quality of life, compared with the lifestyle he could achieve in London.

    In the common imagination of foreigners Italy is -- and always will be -- the country of sun, sea, pretty women and nice food; a country of art and tradition, the Coliseum and the leaning tower of Pisa.

  • e-Government-Hochburg in der Lombardei

    Mit ihrer neuen Website setzt die lombardische Provinzhauptstadt Cremona landesweit Maßstäbe in Sachen e-Government.

    Public online services, or e-government, have become so much part of Italian peoples habits that now a quarter of the entire population of our country has indeed used internet sites for public offices, national or regional.

    They will speak Italian at the UN programme set up to give developing countries technological equipment that will enable good running of the civil service. At the end of their meeting in the UN Building in New York, in fact, Lucio Stanca, minister for innovation and technology, and Mark Malloch Brown, MD of UNDP (United Nations Development Program), announced through a joint press release, that the Italian government would contribute 2.3 million dollars (2 million euro) to the UNDP. The objective is to further the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the civil services of developing countries.

    Italy has consolidated its role as a leader in the diffusion of e-government in developing countries. Lucio Stanca, the Minister for Innovation and Technologies signed an agreement with Enrique Iglesias, the president of The Inter-American Bank for Development, to create a credit line of 3 mln dollars for the diffusion of e-government in seven Caribbean and Latin American countries.
  • E-Government: Stanca proposes to Regions a ''Common Vision''

    The Minister for Technological Innovation, Lucio Stanca, proposed a "common vision" for the development of e-government, as so to represent the whole of the collaborations between the government, the Regions and local institutions. The comment came during the meeting of the strategic committee of the permanent commission on the technological innovation, held on the occasion of the conference of the presidents of the Regions.

    The first "e-government" workshops have officially opened at the Regions and local authorities who have qualified for co-financing from the Ministry for Innovation and Technology. The first round of financing will be distributed at the end of November.

    Italy beat the USA in the yearly income statements sent through the web and the quantity of on line tax payment. That's what the minister for technology and innovations, Lucio Stanca, pointed out at the convention on the "2nd phase of e-government - the role of provincial councils and small towns".
  • Free Wi-Fi Plans for Italy

    Italian lawmakers propose a plan to place Italy in line with European broadband standards and make it simpler and cheaper for citizens to access wireless internet.

    Legislators in Italy have proposed a free Wi-Fi plan for the country. The new plan aims to place the country on the same level as other European nations in terms of public Wi-Fi penetration, digital and e-government services. Italy is staggering behind the rest of Europe in terms of broadband penetration, with broadband speeds scarcely exceeding 30 Megabits per second, with less than 1% of the population having access to these speeds. The European average, on the other hand, is 6%.

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