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Insgesamt 39534396

Montag, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Italy has consolidated its role as a leader in the diffusion of e-government in developing countries. Lucio Stanca, the Minister for Innovation and Technologies signed an agreement with Enrique Iglesias, the president of The Inter-American Bank for Development, to create a credit line of 3 mln dollars for the diffusion of e-government in seven Caribbean and Latin American countries. This financial initiative follows another two agreements of the Innovation Minister with Undesa (The Department for Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations) and the World Bank (Gateway Foundation). The agreement was signed on the occasion of IBD's Annual Assembly in Milan, where delegations from 46 countries.

"Italy is committed to extend to Latin American the implementation of a e-government model promoting the realisation of efficient and transparent administrations, which can become the engine for social and economic growth", the minister explained. "In the new world context, technological innovation - the ministry said - should contribute to create a better future for everybody." "In this sense, Italy already has an important international role of cooperation and promotion so as that all this new opportunities could be brought were is necessary." Lucio Stanca, in agreement with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Public Functions set up a partnership with Albania (national accounting an development strategies for e-government), Jordan (national accounting and e-procurement), Mozambique (telematic network and land registries). Nigeria (national accounting and statistics) and Tunisia (to be defined). Almost 20 countries in the Balkans, Africa, Latin American, the Caribbean, and Asia asked to participate to the initiative "e-government for development".

Quelle: AGI Online

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