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Freitag, 22.11.2024
Transforming Government since 2001


  • Vietnam's e-governance rating goes up

    With an index of 0.364, Vietnam jumped seven steps to rank 105 in terms of e-governance performance, according to the latest United Nations study analyzing the current status of e-government in the world.

    The 2005 report by the UN Online Network in Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN) rated the Southeast Asian country the 112th position among 191 countries worldwide.

  • Virtuelle Meldeämter: Zwischen vorbildlich und wenig hilfreich

    "Unser Rathaustest zeigt, dass 46 Prozent der 190 Stadtverwaltungen beim Meldeformularservice an den einfachsten Anforderungen scheitern. Das Thema eGovernment wird derart akademisch zelebriert, dass verständlich ist, dass in der Praxis Lösungs-ansätze auf der Strecke bleiben." Dieses Urteil fällt Cheftester Jorg Mühlenberg (Geschäftsführer der Pronto-Business Media GmbH, die hinter meldeaemter.de steht und 250 regionale Umzugsmarktplätze sowie den Umzugsservice ummelden.de betreibt).
  • Weak Property Rights Hold Back Russian IT

    The low level of intellectual and other property rights protection in information and communication technologies is holding Russia back compared with many ex-communist countries, Global Information Technology said in a new report.

    The report, covering 122 countries, ranks Russia 70th in its assessment of "the impact of information and communication technology, or ICT, on the development process and the competitiveness of nations for the year 2006-2007."

  • WEF-Bericht: Schweden Nummer eins bei IKT-Nutzung

    Schweden ist weltweit die Nummer eins bei der Nutzung der Informationstechnologie.

    Zu diesem Schluss kommt das Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) in Genf, das alljährlich in Davos tagt, in seinem am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Bericht zur Informationstechnologie. Deutschland ist von Rang 20 im vergangenen Jahr auf Platz 14 vorgerückt. Auf den Plätzen zwei und drei folgen Singapur und Dänemark, das die Spitzenposition in den vergangenen drei Jahren bekleidet hat. Die Schweiz liegt auf Platz vier, die USA haben den fünften Rang inne.

  • Wiens Internetseiten liegen im Österreichvergleich vorne

    Spitzenwerte bei Nutzerzahlen und gute Noten für Barrierefreiheit

    Die Internetseiten der Stadt Wien werden österreichweit von weit mehr BürgerInnen genutzt als die Seiten anderer Bundesländer. Mit 79% Reichweite liegt das Internetportal mit großem Abstand vor Oberösterreich (57%) und der Steiermark (56%). Dies geht aus einer von Fessel GfK im Auftrag des Bundeskanzleramtes durchgeführten E-Government-Studie hervor.

  • Winners and Losers in E-Government Rankings

    I never need much of an excuse to go for a curry, but when my friend Mohamed Shareef, Government CIO of the Maldives, said he was in town - we popped over to a nice South Indian banana leaf restaurant to catch up and shoot the breeze.

    He’s a fellow Mini fan - so we talked about cars for a bit - but it wasn’t long before the conversation came round to e-government, and what he had to say was interesting. He’d been part of a discussion earlier in the day where someone had told him about the latest innovation in passport delivery in Singapore.

  • World’s IT capital is India’s No 15 in e-gov

    Despite its stature as an infotech hub, Karnataka has dropped to 15th spot in e-governance satisfaction, according to a survey conducted by IDC, a global provider of market intelligence for IT and national e-governance survey.

    Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have emerged among the top five e-governed states in India in 2008-09. Himachal Pradesh, Delhi and Haryana have secured second and third positions.

    Interestingly, Delhi has slipped two ranks from No 1 last year whereas, small states like Himachal Pradesh and Haryana were positioned well this year.

  • ZA: Government is failing to use technology - Network or be left behind

    Access costs in SA are high and the country ranks 129th for monthly residential telephone subscriptions, 102nd for mobile cellular tariffs and 79th for broadband Internet tariffs.

    Government is failing to use information and communications technology to improve its operations; and the costs of access to the wired world remain way too high, stifling productivity.

    This is according to the findings of a report by the World Economic Forum, in association with Insead Business School of Switzerland, on the progress and impact of information technology around the world.

  • ZA: Pule: Industry must cut costs

    Communications minister Dina Pule this morning implored new leaders in the ICT sector to address the high cost of communications in SA.

    Speaking at the SA Communications Forum (SACF) meeting Pule congratulated new CEOs Shameel Joosub of Vodacom, Alan Knott-Craig of Cell C, Puleng Sejanamane of Broadband Infraco and Lulama Mokhobo of the SABC.

    “Together I am certain that we can take South Africa to the pinnacle of achievement in the ICT sector. It is vital that we position South Africa as a leading light in ICT on the continent.”

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