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Freitag, 22.11.2024
Transforming Government since 2001

AT: Österreich / Austria

  • AT: E-Government krankt an Angst vor Komplexität

    Trotz großem Einsparungspotenzial noch kein breiter Einsatz

    Experten haben auf dem E-Day der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO) zum Thema E-Government bisher erzielte Erfolge und mögliche Lerneffekte für die Privatwirtschaft debattiert. "Verwaltung und Wirtschaft sprechen grundsätzlich eine andere Sprache als die Techniker. Der Technologieeinsatz stößt an seine Grenzen, wenn es nicht gelingt, die Komplexität abzuschirmen. Die Menschen haben Angst, dass die Dinge zu kompliziert werden", erklärt Siegmund Priglinger, Chef der gleichnamigen Beratungsgesellschaft, den mangelnden Erfolg von E-Government gegenüber pressetext.

  • AT: eMedikation to be launched in April 2011 in three pilot regions

    'eMedikation', i.e. electronic prescriptions as the first large-area of Austria's Electronic Health Record ('ELGA' - Elektronische Gesundheitsakte, in German) project, will start on 1 April 2011 in three pilot regions.

    Thanks to this application, pharmacists, doctors and hospitals will be able to see the medication a patient has been prescribed. Thus, possible multiple prescriptions and medications' side-effects will be made available.

  • AT: Finanzminister Pröll: "Weitere Einsparungen durch E-Government-Projekte beschlossen"

    "Mehr Effizienz und Einsparungen in Höhe von 30 Mio. Euro pro Jahr in der Verwaltung auf Schiene gebracht"

    Beim heutigen Ministerrat konnten wieder wichtige Projekte für mehr Effizienz und Sparsamkeit in der Bundesverwaltung beschlossen werden. "Mit zahlreichen E-Government-Projekten wie beispielsweise dem Unternehmensserviceportal und dem One-Stop Verfahren für die vollelektronische Unternehmensgründung optimieren wir unser Service für Bürger und Unternehmen - zu niedrigeren Kosten für die österreichischen Steuerzahler", so Finanzminister Josef Pröll im Anschluss an den heutigen Ministerrat.

  • AT: Future energy smart city project in Vienna moves into next phase

    The Aspern Smart City Research project, located in the city-within-a-city development zone of Seestadt, aims to point the way forward for smarter energy systems in urban areas.

    The halfway point of the Aspern Smart City Research (ASCR) project in Vienna’s urban development zone of Aspern Seestadt has been reached, with the next ongoing stage focusing on applying the solution concepts tested in the first phase.

  • AT: Land OÖ-Homepage nun auch am Smartphone

    m.ooe.gv.at ist ab sofort als Mobilversion online. Beim Aufruf der mobilen Version der Landeshomepage über ein Smartphone wird man automatisch auf die optimierte Ansicht umgeleitet.

    Der Webauftritt des Landes Oberösterreich steht ab sofort zusätzlich auch als eigene mobile Variante zur Verfügung.

    Die Inhalte der Landeshomepage stehen nun in übersichtlich gestalteter Form abgestimmt auf Smartphones bereit.

  • AT: Land Salzburg: Bits und Bytes für unsere Gesundheit

    Mit neuen Technologien die Herausforderungen des Gesundheitssystems meistern

    Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien haben längst viele Bereiche der Wirtschaft erobert und erleichtern den Alltag. Auch im Gesundheitswesen halten diese Technologien zum Wohle der Menschheit zunehmend Einzug. Im Forschungsschwerpunkt e-Health entwickelt die Landesforschungsgesellschaft Salzburg Research gemeinsam mit Unternehmen, Gesundheitsdienste-Anbietern und renommierten Forschungseinrichtungen Lösungen für verschiedene Bereiche im Gesundheitswesen. Es werden Lösungen für die vielfältigen Herausforderungen des Gesundheitswesens gesucht. Der aktuell vorliegende Jahresbericht Wissensbilanz 2010 der Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, gibt online abrufbar unter www.salzburgresearch.at/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Jahresbericht_2010_web.pdf einen Überblick über die vielseitigen Möglichkeiten durch den Einsatz von e-Health.

  • AT: Ministry of Justice uses OS-based eGovernment application for data warehousing

    At the beginning of the year (2011) an open source-based web application for the submission and the calculation of the value of victim support services was implemented by the Federal Ministry of Justice. The system enhances data quality while enabling the actors involved to save both time and costs.

    With this application, almost 600 employees from around 50 organisations for victims' assistance, as well as law firms that cooperate with these organisations throughout Austria insert in the system the services that they provided.

  • AT: New one-stop-shop Business Service Portal (USP) becomes fully operational

    The new Business Service Portal (Unternehmensserviceportal - USP) became fully operational on 23 May 2012. It includes multiple new applications in order to serve as a single entry point for businesses, providing them with online information and a single channel for their transactions with the public authorities.

    On the USP portal, users can find customised, business-related information and a package of eGovernment applications, which can be accessed online, through a single sign-on feature. The aim of the USP is to create optimal conditions for entrepreneurs and provide modern, efficient and digital administrative processes, so that they can save time and money. It is also intended to strengthen the country’s position as a business location and to further enhance Austrian eGovernment.

  • AT: Over 250 000 people use the eSignature solution

    According to an announcement made in early December 2012, over a quarter of a million people in Austria have activated their electronic identification and signature function, which they can employ using their mobile phones, electronic or professional cards (for notaries and lawyers), identity cards or pupil/student IDs.

    Especially in the last few months, thousands of activations have been reported, with the factors of online safety, authenticity and identity in transactions having an increasingly significant impact. In order for an authorised signature or a secure electronic identity function to be used online, a mobile signature or the citizen card function of the eCard is required.

  • AT: Tirol: Neues Bürgerservice der BH Lienz

    Ab 15. Juli bietet die Bezirkshauptmannschaft Lienz eine neue E-Government-Serviceleistung an: Die E-Card kann während der Schalterstunden kostenlos zur Bürgerkarte, also zum amtlichen Ausweisdokument im elektronischen Verwaltungsverfahren, aufgerüstet werden.

    Mitzubringen sind die E-Card und ein amtlicher Lichtbildausweis. Selbstverständlich kann auch die Handysignatur aktiviert werden.

    Mit der Bürgerkarte können Amtswege rund um die Uhr bequem und sicher online erledigt werden. Für jene, die den persönlichen Kontakt bevorzugen, stehen aber weiterhin Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung.

  • AT: Tirols Bezirkshauptmannschaften aktivieren E-Card oder Handy zur Bürgerkarte

    Neues BH-Service ab 15. Juli 2011

    Ab 15. Juli bieten die Tiroler Bezirkshauptmannschaften eine neue E-Government-Serviceleistung an: Die E-Card kann während der Schalterstunden in den Servicezonen kostenlos zur Bürgerkarte, also zum amtlichen Ausweisdokument im elektronischen Verwaltungsverfahren, aufgerüstet werden. Mitzubringen sind die E-Card und ein amtlicher Lichtbildausweis. Selbstverständlich kann auch die mobile Signatur (Handysignatur) aktiviert werden. Für diese kostenlose Serviceleistung stehen in den BH-Servicezonen insgesamt 60 ausgebildete „Registration Officers“ zur Verfügung.

  • AT: Vienna teams up with EY for government digitisation and blockchain plans

    The City of Vienna has joined forces with Big Four firm Ernst & Young to validate and secure the city’s Open Government Data (OGD) by using blockchain technology. The OGD is an open data portal which includes data such as public transport routes, train schedules and surrounding communities’ voting results.

    August 2018 has been a big month for Vienna, with the city being named as the world’s most liveable in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Global Liveability Index 2018. Just days after the announcement, Vienna has now shown its hand in the global battle to be recognised as the world’s smartest city. As a part of Vienna’s smart city drive, the city has crafted the digitalisation initiative called DigitalCity.Wien, an independent and not-for-profit initiative of the city in collaboration with several committed ICT companies based in Vienna. The organisation aims to create a tech heart in the central European city, drawing talent into ICT jobs and building a stronger Viennese economy.

  • AT: Wien ist erste Stadtverwaltung mit Security-Zertifikat ISO 27001

    E-Government-Dienste & BürgerInnendaten nach internationalem Standard gesichert

    Wien ist anders - auch in Sachen Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit. Als erste Stadtverwaltung in Österreich erreichte der Magistrat Wien die Zertifizierung nach dem internationalen Standard für Informationssicherheit ISO/IEC 27001. "Wir verarbeiten enorme Datenmengen von mehr als 1,7 Millionen BürgerInnen. Dazu gehören Gewerberegister, Melde- und Passdaten, Beihilfen oder Familienurkunden bis hin zu Bauplänen", berichtet Ing. Wolfgang Steiner, Security-Fachbereichsleiter in der Magistratsabteilung 14 für Automatisierte Datenverarbeitung. "Das Vertrauen der BürgerInnen ist uns immens wichtig - vor allem weil auch E-Government-Dienste immer häufiger genutzt werden. In Österreich interagieren bereits rund 50 Prozent der Bevölkerung online mit Behörden und Ämtern."

  • Austria among leaders for e-government - study

    The European Commission has positively assessed the Austrian e-Government in the eGovernment Benchmark 2016, especially in the field of key technologies such as electronic identification (mobile phone signature) or electronic documents, reports the agency APA.

    Austria belongs to the top-performing EU countries in e-Government, together with Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Austria was evaluated best in the category, such as user friendliness, cross-border availability and transparency of offered services. To compare, Malta was the only country to offer all public services online. In the online availability of public services, Austria and Portugal followed with 98 percent availability.

  • Austria in E-Government ahead of Germany and Switzerland

    Margarete Schramböck is on the right course. According to a recent study on the e-government situation in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Austria clearly holds the top position in the e-government country comparison.

    According to the eGovernment Monitor 2018, around three quarters of all Austrians (74 percent) already use eGovernment services (compared to only 67 percent in 2012).

  • Austria works on national ICT strategy

    Austrian infrastructure minister Alois Stoeger confirmed his commitment to a nationwide broadband deployment at a press conference. He said that existing problems in practical implementation had to be identified and solved for an efficient funding of broadband. Johannes Gungl from the regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR) announced the agency would bring its expertise to bear and help generate solution concepts with the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT).

    The government is also focused on developing a national ICT strategy. The excellence centre Internet Society (KIG), established in 2010, is expected to complete the strategy by mid-2015. Fields of application such as research, e-health, e-government or education will be integrated in the ICT strategy.

  • Austria: Browser gives free access to wide range of national eGovernment services

    The 'Digital Austria Explorer' (Digitales Österreich Explorer, in German) - a unique eGovernment initiative providing all Austrians with access to over 1 000 forms and 350 government procedures in just one click - was officially presented on 1 June 2010, during a press conference held in Vienna.

    Developed by a global Information Technology (IT) company in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Chancellery, the 'Digital Austria Explorer' is a toolbar that once freely downloaded and installed on a PC, offers a virtual office environment, combining the services of the national eGovernment portals for businesses 'USP.gv.at' and for citizens 'HELP.gv.at'.

  • Austria: eHealth in Penal Administration

    The Federal Data Processing Centre (Bundesrechenzentrum - BRZ) provides customised module solutions for the use of electronic health records in Austrian jails.

    Austria has 28 penal establishments. One of the main tasks of the Austrian penal system is to promote the re-socialisation of prisoners through education and work during the detention, as well as therapy and care.

    The costs of prison healthcare are entirely supported by the Austrian Justice. The introduction of a country-wide electronic health records (EHR) system for inmates is expected to increase the quality of care while significantly cutting costs.

  • Austria: eHealth in progress

    After a long preparation phase, the Electronic Health Record (ELGA - Elektronische Gesundheitsakte, in German) project is now underway, with a company put in charge of its implementation.

    ELGA's first milestone has already been reached with the launch of the 'Gesundheit' public health portal. "In its final form, the health portal will be every Austrian's door to his or her personal EPR", said Dr. Susanne Herbek, the Managing Director of ELGA-GmbH. For the time being, the online portal focuses on the provision of quality-assured and independent health information, such as a medical encyclopaedia or information on patient rights and laboratory procedures.

  • Austria: Master Patient Index system will provide streamlined patient records access

    In September 2010, Austria announced the sign up of a deal with a technology-enabled solutions and services company to develop a Master Patient Index (MPI) system by 2011; the aim of the system is to provide healthcare professionals with access to electronic patient records, wherever they are stored within the Austrian healthcare system. The technology will form an integral part of Austria's Electronic Health Record project (Elektronische Gesundheitsakte - ELGA, in German).

    The MPI is an application that will empower Austria's healthcare professionals to perform a nationwide search for patient records. It is designed to find an individual no matter where their records are stored so that medical staff in different hospitals or departments in locations spread across Austria can access detailed information on a patient in their care.

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