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Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001


  • India: Kerala: Reforms well on course: official

    The second Administrative Reforms Commission appointed by the Union government two-and-a-half years ago is due to submit all its reports by March this year, the Cabinet Secretary to the Union government K.M. Chandrasekhar has said.

    At a press conference after addressing the valedictory session of a two-day conference on ‘Excellence in Public Service Delivery’ here on Friday, Mr. Chandrasekhar said the commission’s proposals would be discussed with the Secretaries and top officials of the departments concerned to decide which all proposals could be implemented. A group of Ministers would then take up the matter and give directions on the course of action to be adopted for implementing the proposals. He said that the commission had identified 20 missions in the area of introducing e-governance.

  • India: West Bengal Government rejects proposal for division of districts

    The West Bengal government on Tuesday rejected a proposal for division of districts by the Administrative Reforms Committee.

    The committee headed by then chief secretary Amit Kiran Deb, comprising representatives from IITs, IIMs and ISI gave 69 proposals, had suggested the division.

    This was, however, rejected by the present committee headed by current Chief Secretary Ashok Mohan Chakraborty, it member secretary said.

  • Ireland: Group to review public service positions

    A special group to identify posts and activities that are "not essential" in the public service is to be set up by the Government.

    The establishment of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes was announced yesterday as part of the Government's plan for reforms of the public service.

    The planned changes also include the extension of staff performance reviews, which apply in the civil service and local government, to all areas of the public service.

  • Ireland: Public service reform planned

    The Taoiseach will announce a comprehensive public service reform package in 10 days' time.

    Government sources indicated yesterday that the package is "designed to address the immediate priority of securing maximum value for public spending and laying the foundation for a complete overhaul of how the public service is managed and does its business".

  • Kazakhstan: Head of the State held session on matters of administrative reform

    September 17 in the afternoon Head of the State Nursultan Nazarbayev made a speech at the session on matters of administrative reform, held in Astana. The Kazakh news agency disseminates the President’s speech.
  • Kenya finds cleaner government is just a keystroke away

    Kenya is promoting cleaner government by computerizing many of the tasks that used to be handled by bureaucrats – who might seek bribes to expedite requests.

    Kenya is an economic engine for East Africa, but its rise on the global stage has long been stunted by corruption.

    Now, though, it's making progress against the old-fashioned scourge through new-fangled IT. The solution is simple, but powerful: Remove bureaucrats through "e-government."

  • Kenya: How Far Have We Gone With Reforming the Public Sector?

    Where are we on public sector reforms? When a high powered 'Public Service Reform and Development Secretariat' (PSRDS) was launched, a whirl of initiatives ensued.

    Now at last, we thought, with Results Based Management, with Rapid Results Initiative, with programmes for culture and leadership transformation, and for institutional strengthening, we would revolutionise the delivery of public service and create a truly enabling environment for our citizens.

  • Kenyan public service to change radically

    From this year, the private sector will be hired by government to recommend who should be retained or fired from the public service in a series of radical measures aimed at overhauling the civil service, Africanews has established.

    The group of private sector representatives will also be required to recommend promotions, enhancements, demotions, salary hikes and re-organization in a fundamental change of operations in government.

  • Kongress Bayern Online: ''Verwaltungsvorgänge radikal vereinfachen''

    Unter dem Motto "Neue Netze, neue Dienste, neue Strukturen" startet am 22. und 23. Juni der Kongress Bayern Online International in München. Ingolf Ruge, Professor an der TU München und Sprecher der Veranstaltung, sieht im Interview mit der CW den Nutzen neuer Netzdienste vor allem in einfacheren und schnelleren Geschäftsprozessen.
  • KY: No sell-off in first phase of public sector reform

    The government has published a programme brief outlining its plans for public sector reform under the banner of Project Future but there will be no sell offs or privatisation of government services among the 17 projects identified in the first phase. Based on the EY report published last year, the document, which was revealed at a press briefing Monday by the premier and deputy governor, lists 51 reform projects in total that will be implemented in five phases.

    Some government land will be sold but no agencies, entities, departments or specific services will be outsourced and most of the projects involve amalgamation, rationalisation, development or management change.

  • LC: PM: Modernisation of public service critical

    Prime Minister Allen Chastanet has declared that modernisation of the Saint Lucia public service is critical, especially given his administration’s emphasis on e-government.

    Chastanet, who has relieved himself of responsibility for the public service, told reporters Tuesday there was need for a ‘day to day minister’ to oversee the sector.

  • Lebanon: Hariri launches anti-corruption, public services initiative

    Premier calls for modernization of bureaucratic processes

    Prime Minister Saad Hariri launched on Thursday the Cabinet’s initiative to “Modernize Public Administrations and Fight Corruption,” after Lebanon scored poorly in studies on transparent governance.

    He called for stepping away from political bickering and fighting, and for taking steps toward providing the Lebanese with better services.

    The nationwide initiative was part of the Cabinet’s policy statement and was launched during a convention held at the Grand Serail in Beirut, in the presence of Hariri, Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar, and several MPs and local figures.

  • LV: State Chancellery: unnecessary functions in public administration must be eliminated

    There still are many optimization opportunities and ways to reduce excessive bureaucracy in public administration, the new State Chancellery's head Elita Dreimane said in an interview with LETA. This is why one of Dreimane's main tasks in the new job will be eliminating overlapping and unnecessary functions within public administration.

    According to 2010 data, 8.2% of Latvia's population are employed in the general government sector, reminded Dreimane. Therefore, attaining the government's goal of reducing the number of employees in general government sector to 8% of the population means that their number is yet to be reduced by 0.2% or by approximately 4,800 people.

  • Making ICT more effective

    Throughout the past two decades, governments internationally have responded to fundamental changes in the world economy and their respective environments by initiating programmes of public service reform. Experience suggests that while much has been achieved, one of the more formidable challenges is shaping and delivering systemic change programmes that have a whole-of-government impact. This focus on systemic change becomes all the more critical when one considers the powerful role of modern ICT systems in public service systems. The effective deployment of ICT has long been a hallmark of excellent public service modernisation programmes.
  • Malaysian ICT agencies reorganised to streamline functions

    Malaysia’s national ICT agencies have been reorganised to integrate activities and better coordinate the country’s ICT agenda. The Communications and Multimedia Ministry (KKMM), yesterday, took over the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) and Malaysian Network Information Centre (MYNIC) from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI).

    KKMM has said that the streamlining of the ICT agencies under one ministry was to allow more effective execution of functions and implementation of powers entrusted to the Communications and Multimedia Minister. KKMM will now also develop, implement and monitor the National ICT Policy.

  • Malta: Local councils reform to be presented today

    The local councils reform, which aims to give a better service to residents, will be presented by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi this evening.

    Among the changes to be presented are the shift towards making local councils a one-stop-shop and much simpler means of acquiring funds.

    The changes are based on suggestions received from the public during the consultation phase. It is therefore expected that the local councils’ term will be extended to four years since a three-year term was considered to be short for councils to enact their programme.

  • Meck.-Vorpommern:Landesregierung bringt weitere wichtige Bausteine der Verwaltungsreform auf den Weg

    Für das größte Reformvorhaben der Landesregierung in dieser Legislaturperiode sind zwei weitere wichtige Bausteine auf den Weg gebracht worden. Das Kabinett hat heute die Gesetzentwürfe zum Finanzausgleichsgesetz (FAG M-V) und zum Aufgabenzuordnungsgesetz (Funktionalreform) für die Verbandsanhörung freigegeben. Beide Gesetzentwürfe sollen zusammen mit dem Gesetzentwurf zur Kreisstrukturreform, der sich bereits in der Anhörung befindet, noch vor der Sommerpause in den Landtag eingebracht werden.

  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Bürokratieabbau beschäftigt Ministerien und Unternehmen

    Die Landesregierung kommt beim Abbau von Bürokratie und Vorschriften in kleinen Schritten voran. Justizminister Erwin Sellering (SPD) sagte gestern, zwischen Januar und März konnten 451 Vorschriften abgebaut werden. Parallel dazu beschäftigte sich das Bündnis für Arbeit mit Bürokratieabbau.
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Die große Idee vom Verwaltungsabbau

    Ein einmaliger Reformentwurf (ver)endet im Parteiengestrüpp

    Es war die Idee von der größten Verwaltungsreform in der Geschichte des Landes. Nicht nur Landkreise sollen zusammengelegt, sondern auch die Landesaufgaben von gut 60 Behörden der Ministerien an die Kreise verlagert werden. Die Regierung des Flächenlandes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern kann sich nämlich eine teure Verwaltung längst nicht mehr leisten. Doch der Politik fehlt der Mut zu Veränderungen.

  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Entwurf des Gesetzes über die Verwaltungsmodernisierung

    Innenminister Timm: Umfassende Diskussion im Land wird eingeleitet.Die Landesregierung hat heute dem Entwurf zum Verwaltungsmodernisierungsgesetz für das Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern zugestimmt. Innenminister Dr. Gottfried Timm bezeichnete den heutigen Kabinettsbeschluss als zukunftsweisend.
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