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Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001


  • Die digitale Verwaltungsreform

    Via Internet will der Bund die Verwaltung einfacher, effizienter und bürgerfreundlicher gestalten. Welche Bedingungen der Online-Masterplan erfüllen muss.
  • e-Government has more impact if you re-organise entirely, says EU

    Public administrations that combine substantial reorganisation of the way they work with the use of information and communication technologies to deliver new eGovernment services, get higher appreciation ratings from business and citizens, says the EU.

    This finding emerges from a recently published survey: "Reorganisation of Government Back Offices for Better Electronic Public Services European Good Practices".

  • E-government: moving from citizen service, to internal efficiency

    Andrea Di Maio, Director of Research with Gartner Group, and formerly a staffer of the European Commission, says that the focus of government IT is changing.

    In recent years the focus of government technology initiatives has been on providing easier access to citizen services, however other priorities are now crowding on to the government agenda.

  • Egypt: System, mindsets top civil service reform priorities

    Reforming the massive civil service in Egypt, including reducing petty corruption and increasing efficiency, will take many years to achieve, because of the slow nature of cultural change, but the man charged with achieving this task believes the process is finally underway, and initial breakthroughs can be identified.

    Dr. Ahmad Darwish, Minister of State for Administrative Development, said in an interview from his Cairo office in early December that three main issues loom as priorities: changing the mindset of civil servants so that they accept reforms that will benefit them and the country; revising the structure of the civil service system so that it focuses on core functions and contract or outsource rather than support ones; and, improving the efficacy of service delivery systems in a manner that enhances efficiency and reduces petty corruption.

  • EU intends to scrap 68 proposed laws

    Yesterday the European Commission delivered more results from its better regulation initiative. After screening 183 proposals for EU laws pending at the European Parliament and Council, the Commission has decided to announce to scrap more than a third (68).
  • EU: Kommissionspräsident Barroso begrüßt Bürokratieabbaubericht

    Der Vorsitzende der Hochrangigen Gruppe unabhängiger Interessenträger im Bereich Verwaltungslasten, Dr. Edmund Stoiber, hat Kommissionspräsident Barroso heute den Bericht seiner Arbeitsgruppe überreicht. In dem Bericht mit dem Titel „Was Europa besser machen kann“ werden bewährte Praktiken der Mitgliedstaaten für eine möglichst unbürokratische Umsetzung von EU-Recht vorgestellt.

    Hierzu sagte José Manuel Barroso, Präsident der Europäischen Kommission: „Ich gratuliere der Gruppe und ihrem Vorsitzenden Dr. Edmund Stoiber zu ihrem ausgezeichneten Bericht. Er enthält beeindruckende Beispiele für eine intelligente Umsetzung von EU-Recht, so dass es seine positive Wirkung voll entfalten kann, ohne durch überflüssige Verwaltungslasten auf nationaler Ebene beeinträchtigt zu werden. Ich appelliere an die Mitgliedstaaten, die in dem Bericht vorgestellten Beispiele zu studieren und aus ihnen Anregungen für die eigene Umsetzungspraxis zu ziehen. Wenn wir uns bei unseren Bemühungen um intelligente Regulierung gegenseitig inspirieren, können wir die Rahmenbedingungen für die Wirtschaft weiter verbessern und zu mehr Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Europa beitragen."

  • EU: President Barroso welcomes best practice report on administrative burden reduction

    Today President Barroso received the Chairman of the High Level Group of Independent Stakeholders on Administrative Burdens, Dr. Edmund Stoiber, who handed over the Group's report "Europe can do more" on best practice in Member States to implement EU legislation in the least burdensome way.

    The President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, said: "I congratulate the Group under the chairmanship of Dr. Edmund Stoiber for this excellent report. It shows impressive examples how Member States implement EU law in an intelligent way so that its positive effects can unfold and are not hampered by unnecessary administrative burden at national level. I call on Member States to look at these examples and learn from them. Through mutual inspiration on smart regulation we can further improve the business environment and support growth and jobs in Europe."

  • Experten: Internet-Behörden nur bei Bürokratieabbau sinnvoll

    Die vollständige Umstellung von Landes- und Kommunalverwaltungen auf die Arbeit per Internet ergibt nach Expertenmeinung nur Sinn, wenn sie mit dem Abbau von Bürokratie verbunden ist. Anderenfalls wird die Einführung der elektronischen Verwaltung nicht zur Vereinfachung von Abläufen führen und deshalb keine wirtschaftlichen Effekte haben, wie eine Tagung von 150 Fachleuten aus ganz Deutschland am Mittwoch in Ludwigslust ergab. Die Region Westmecklenburg ist als eine von bundesweit drei Testregionen für beschleunigten Bürokratieabbau auch Vorreiter bei der Einführung der elektronischen Verwaltung, die den Bürgern den Gang zum Amt ersparen soll.
  • Expertin: E-Government ist Motor im Reformprozess der Verwaltungen

    Finanzmisere der Kommunen hemmt Umsetzung

    Wie müssen öffentliche Verwaltungen aussehen, um zukunftsfähig zu sein, und welche Rolle spielen dabei die neuen Informationstechnologien? Marga Pröhl, Verwaltungsexpertin und Mitglied im NRW-Zukunftsrat hält E-Government für den eigentlichen Reformmotor in diesem Prozess. Dadurch werden die Verwaltungen noch stärker als bisher gezwungen, sich an den Bürgern zu orientieren.

  • Fortschritte im Modernen Verwaltungsmanagement des Bundes

    Schily: Bundesverwaltung arbeitet konsequent reformorientiert

    Mit dem Reformprogramm "Moderner Staat - Moderne Verwaltung" setzt die Bundesregierung klare Ziele für eine Bundesverwaltung, die mehr leistet und weniger kostet. Sie schafft damit die notwendigen Rahmenbedingungen für eine auf Stärkung der Wachstumskräfte gerichtete Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik.

  • Ghana: Are Public Sector Reforms Real?

    Ghana's public sector, from pre-Independence days to date, has lacked the capacity, the structures, skills and the right incentives to be responsive to the country"s development needs. The delivery of better, modern public services has been on the wish list of several governments yet success has also not made that leap from the wish list to achievement.

    Thus, in 2003, J H Mensah, as Senior Minister and in charge of public sector reform, remarked, "After five years of reform and experimentation … the public services have not enhanced their ability to deliver services.

  • Greece: Public administration restructuring

    The radical restructuring of Public Administration, uprooting of the bureaucracy and intransparency that had developed over the preceding 20 years, and boosting its efficiency, were an immediate priority for the New Democracy government, which in its four years in power has proven to the citizen that "we came to change all this, placing goals and achieving measurable results," interior minister Prokopis Pavlopoulos said on Wednesday, addressing a conference of the National Council on Administrative Reform.

    The key to the success of the government's efforts was forward-looking planning, coordination of all the individual administrative structures, and implementation of e-governance by specialised staff in Public Administration and Local Government, the minister explained.

  • Hürdenlauf Unternehmensgründung: 45 Tage in Deutschland, 4 Tage in USA

    Wer in Deutschland ein Unternehmen gründen will, muss viele bürokratische Hürden überwinden. Nach Daten der Weltbank, die das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (IW) für eine neue Studie ausgewertet hat, vergehen hierzulande 45 Tage, bis eine neue GmbH ihre Tore öffnen und Mitarbeiter einstellen darf.
  • Iceland: Lessons of smaller states

    Why is this cold, rainy land with its stark volcanic landscape, without much in the way of natural resources, one of the wealthiest places on Earth?

    Small states, in the past, were most often poorer on a per capital income basis than large states, but in the last half-century many have become much richer then their large neighbors. Among the wealthiest places on the planet, in addition to the United States, we now find Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Denmark and Ireland, none with many natural resources.

  • ID: Fruits of Bureaucracy Reform Will Take 5 Years, Official Admits

    It will be five years before the benefits of reform to the bureaucracy are evident given the messy and disorganized management of the current system, a deputy minister has admitted.

    “It’s like we’re planting right now. We will not get anything while planting but we will harvest in due time. We will see the results in five years if we keep improving it,” Eko Prasojo, the deputy minister for administrative reform, told a seminar on bureaucracy reform in Jakarta on Monday.

  • IN: Continuation of IT Modernisation Project of Department of Posts – Phase II

    The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the proposal of Rs.4,909 crore towards IT modernisation project of the Department of Posts, covering 1.55 lakhs post offices.

    The total expenditure for the project involving Rs.4,909 crore includes both implementation phase and operation and maintenance phase for the IT infrastructure of Post Offices. The IT project of the Department is a part of the Mission Mode Project (MMP) included in the National e-Governance Plan (NEGP).

  • IN: Gujarat: Start work on reforms, Vadodara Municipal Corporation tells officials

    The Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) has asked its officials to pull up their socks and start work on various reforms needed under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM). The reforms are compulsory under the memorandum of understanding signed for the mission and a JnNURM appraisal team for reforms that visited the city recently had given instructions to expedite work in this direction.

    The VMC has identified seven key areas in which the implementation of the reforms needs to be conducted on an urgent basis. Officials have been asked to work out details and deadlines to complete work for the necessary reforms.

  • IN: Punjab: “E-governance is incomplete without governance reform”

    Aiming for a paperless office, the Punjab state government is geared to introduce a change in the way that services are delivered. B Purushartha, Special Secretary & Director, Department of Governance Reforms, Punjab, talked about his mission and vision for Punjab with Pupul Dutta

    Q: How far has the state of Punjab come in terms of e-governance projects?

    Currently, Punjab has adopted two e-districts on a pilot basis at Kapurthala and Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar where we have started one service and have about five to six services in the pipeline. In a month, all the services are expected to go live.

  • India: Employment exchanges to be part of MMP

    Modernisation and upgradation of Employment Exchanges has been identified as one of the Mission Mode Projects (MMP)

    National e-Governance Plan has identified modernisation and upgradation of Employment Exchanges as one of the Mission Mode Projects (MMP). A national web portal with common software will be developed under the project.

  • India: Haryana govt constitutes Administrative Reforms Commission

    Government has constituted its first Administrative Reforms Commission under the chairmanship of MLA, Karan Singh Dalal to examine various aspects of the administrative structure and processes in the State so as to make these affective and responsive.

    The other members of the Administrative Reforms Commission included two retired officers of Indian dministrative Service namely M.C.Gupta and Mr.Prem Prashant.

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